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Praying Medic
David Hayes is a former atheist who has worked as a paramedic for decades. After having a dramatic encounter where God told him He would use him to heal the sick, he began praying with his patients and with strangers and has seen thousands of them healed. Through dreams, online discussions, and hands-on experience, he has discovered the answers to some of the most common questions people have about healing. In the past, it seems many of these questions have not been answered adequately – or worse, not answered at all.

Miracles are happening every day through the prayers of average men and women on the street and in workplaces. This book celebrates what God is doing today and shows you how miracles can become a part of your everyday life.
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Dream Interpretation Made Simple by Praying Medic Emotional Healing Made Simple by Praying Medic Power and Authority Made Simple by Praying Medic