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50 Truths Concerning the Apostolic Ministry
50 Truths Concerning the Apostolic Ministry by John Eckhardt
Price: $9.99
Author: John Eckhardt
Format: Paperback
Length: 57 Pages
Published: 2010

Stock Status:In Stock



Setting the Record Straight on Apostolic Ministry

How can you tell the true from the false?

How can you tell if a particular ministry is from God or not?

The term apostle is one which has been a part of the New Testament Church from its inception. It is also an office that has been denied, abused, overstated, and understated by those who are biblically uninformed in todays Church.

In this informative book, John Eckhardt, provides 50 clear distinctions of apostolic ministry as revealed in Gods word. These characteristics will equip you to understand this significant ground-breaking ministry. Not only will you learn how to detect the true from the false, but you will receive the spiritual liberty to fully honor and appreciate this vital gift that God has set in His Church.

Table of Contents

Truth 1. Apostles Have Been Set in the Church by God

Truth 2. Apostles Are Set in the Church by God First

Truth 3. Apostolic Ministry is First in Time

Truth 4. Apostolic Ministry is First in Rank

Truth 5. Apostles Are Pioneers

Truth 6. Apostles Have a Breakthrough Anointing

Truth 7. Apostles Are Here Today

Truth 8. Apostles Are Given For the Perfecting of the Saints

Truth 9. Apostles Are Ambassadors of Christ

Truth 10. Apostles Are Sent Ones

Truth 11. Apostles Have the Ability to Judge Correctly

Truth 12. The Apostles' Work Bear Witness That They are Sent

Truth 13. Apostles Establish and Set Doctrine

Truth 14. Apostolic Doctrine Comes From Heaven

Truth 15. Apostles Bring Revelation to the Church

Truth 16. Apostolic Revelation is the Foundation Upon Which the Church is Built

Truth 17. Apostles Lay the Foundation

Truth 18. Apostles Are Wise Masterbuilders

Truth 19. Apostles Don't Like to Build Upon Another's Foundation

Truth 20. Apostles Are Planters

Truth 21. Apostles Care for Local Churches

Truth 22. Apostles are Bishops (Overseers) of Local Churches

Truth 23. Apostles Ordain Elders

Truth 24. Apostles Set in Order

Truth 25. Apostles Bind and Loose

Truth 26. Apostles Are Given Authority for Edification

Truth 27. Apostles Do Not Have Dominion Over Our Faith

Truth 28. Apostles Have a Measure of Rule

Truth 29. Apostles Are Examples to Those Who Follow Their Ministries

Truth 30. Apostles Are Fathers

Truth 31. Apostles Impart Spiritual Gifts

Truth 32. Apostolic Ministry is a Ministry of Warfare

Truth 33. Apostles Pull Down Strongholds

Truth 34. Apostles Have the Ability to Dispute and Persuade

Truth 35. Apostles Have a Godly Jealousy Over the Saints

Truth 36. Apostles Make Intercession for the Saints

Truth 37. The Strength of Apostolic Ministry is Prayer and the Ministry of the Word

Truth 38. Apostles Demonstrate the Spirit and Power

Truth 39. Apostolic Ministry is One of Signs and Wonders

Truth 40. Apostolic Ministry Touches Multitudes

Truth 41. Apostolic Ministry Touches Cities

Truth 42. Apostolic Ministry Touches Regions

Truth 43. Apostles are Targets of Envy and Jealousy

Truth 44. Apostolic Ministry is a Ministry of Boldness

Truth 45. Apostles are Persecuted

Truth 46. Apostles are Treated as Last

Truth 47. Apostles are Reformers

Truth 48. Apostles are Hated and Feared by Religious Systems

Truth 49. Apostles are Defenders of the Faith

Truth 50. We Are to Try Them That Say They Are Apostles

About the Author

Apostle John Eckhardt is overseer of Crusader Ministries, located in Chicago, IL. Gifted with a strong apostolic call, he has ministered throughout the United States and overseas in more than eighty nations. He is a sought-after international conference speaker, has authored more than 20 books, produces a daily radio broadcast, and oversees a global apostolic network of churches and ministers called IMPACT. Apostle Eckhardt resides in the Chicago area with his wife, Wanda, and their five children.