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They Speak With Other Tongues
They Speak With Other Tongues by John Sherrill
Price: $14.99
Sale Price: $12.74
Savings: $2.25
Author: John Sherrill
Format: Paperback
Length: 190 Pages
Published: 2004

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


This classic work on the baptism with the Holy Spirit has inspired and transformed millions worldwide.  The story of one reporter’s journey from skepticism to a life-changing relationship with God, it is filled with biblical and contemporary accounts of speaking in tongues.  And it’s a deeply personal and moving picture of how you, too, can walk in the power of the Spirit day by day.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Brother Andrew
Chapter 1: The Leap
Chapter 2: Harald’s Strange Story
Chapter 3: Surprise Witness
Chapter 4: Stone’s Folly
Chapter 5: A Crazy Way to Grow
Chapter 6: The Walls Come Tumbling Down
Chapter 7: A Visit from Lydia
Chapter 8: Why Should Anyone Want to Speak in Tongues?
Chapter 9: Detective Story
Chapter 10: The Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Chapter 11: Room 405
Chapter 12: Through the Red Door
Chapter 13: Wedding the Old to the New
Epilogue: Since Then . . . Forty Years Later

Many of us cut our eyeteeth on John and Elizabeth Sherrill’s classic They Speak with Other Tongues.  As the Holy Spirit fell on the old-line churches in the late 1960s, there were no books, and very few teachers, who could inform and guide us as we tried out our fledgling wings.  It’s a joy to see that you are republishing the book so that this and future generations may not lose the impact it had upon us all.  God bless the fortieth anniversary edition, and may it prosper today’s generation as it did ours.
John and Paula Sandford, authors and co-founders, Elijah House International

Two things are unquestionable: the timeliness of the impact They Speak with Other Tongues made in the 1960s in the awakening to spiritual renewal that took place in the Body of Christ.  And the timelessness of its message, which will speak to you today as it spoke to me then and now.
Jack Hayford, founding pastor, The Church On The Way, and chancellor, The King’s College and Seminary, Van Nuys, CA

Forty years ago a skeptical yet honest reporter set out to investigate a phenomenon.  It was new, yet thousands of years old.  In the middle of his investigation he found himself inside the story, changed in a way he never expected.  That reporter is a good friend of mine.  His story became a book that changed literally millions of lives.  I’ve visited every country on earth and seen the footprints of the Sherrills’ book in countless lives and churches. Read this book for the first time, or for a fresh touch from the Holy Spirit.
Loren Cunningham, founder, Youth With A Mission

About the Author

John Sherrill and his wife, Elizabeth, have co-authored numerous bestsellers – including classics such as The Hiding Place, The Cross and the Switchblade and God’s Smuggler.  Senior editors for Guideposts, John and Elizabeth co-founded Chosen Books.  They have three grown children and live in Massachusetts.