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Let's Get It Right
Let's Get It Right by Ron Horner
Price: $19.99
Author: Ron Horner
Subtitle: Rethinking How We Look at the Body of Christ
Format: Paperback
Length: 215 Pages
Published: 2020

Stock Status:In Stock

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Early in the history of the church the strength and power of the apostolic office was wrested away from the church and replaced with a model that is currently the predominant model today – that of “pastor-centric” churches and ministries. The Spirit of the Lord has in the last few years been bringing about a correction to this flawed system of government – one never ordained by the Lord but has nonetheless been in operation for millennia.

You may question, “Why discuss it then?” As the old saying goes, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” But I propose to you that it is broken and has been broken for so long that we have grown accustomed to it. We have accepted it with all its shortcomings and limitations when we have not needed to. We have a guidebook to show us the pattern, but we have ignored it. Let’s Get It Right is a call to correction. It the church is to fully establish the Kingdom of God upon the earth, it will need to follow a fully Biblical model to do so. Now is the time to get started.

Table of Contents:
Introduction: A Fresh Look at 1 Corinthians 12
An Overview
Contemporary Examples
Analyzing the Passage
Corresponding Grace

Section 1
Motivational Gifts & the Individual Believer
Prophetic Perceiver
Mercy Show-er

Section 2
Ascension Gifts & the Universal Body of Christ

Section 3
Appointments in the Local Body
What Was Appointed?
Why Were These Appointments Given?

Section 4
Types of Apostles
Four Aspects of Apostolic Authority
Ministering Out of the Office
Apostolic Functions
Apostolic Manifestations
Other Earmarks of the Apostle
The Prophetic Office & the Prophetic Appointment
Prophetic Manifestations
Philip the Evangelist
Paul & Barnabas Evangelizing
Timothy and the Word of an Evangelist
Evangelistic Manifestations
Teaching Pastors
An Overview
Teaching Pastor Manifestations
Comparing the Gifts

Section 5
Church Government
An Overview
Spiritual Territories
An Overview
What are YOU Called to Do?
Works Cited

About the Author:
Dr. Ron M. Horner is an apostolic teacher and author. He and his wife, Adina, have been married for thirty-five years and have three daughters (two of whom are married), and two grandsons. He resides in central North Carolina with his wife and youngest daughter.

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