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Deliverance and Inner Healing
Deliverance and Inner Healing by John Sandford and Mark Sandford
Price: $21.99
Author: John and Mark Sandford
Format: Paperback
Length: 394 Pages
Published: 1992/2008

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)



In this groundbreaking book, John Loren Sandford and Mark Sandford bring understanding and reconciliation between the disciplines of deliverance and inner healing. They correct misunderstandings, identify abuses and offer direction for using both ministries effectively. With clear, informative chapters based on Scripture and on many years of experience, Deliverance and Inner Healing is the irreplaceable one-stop source for both theoretical and practical application of deliverance and inner healing today.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Doris Wagner



Section 1: The Relationship between Deliverance and Inner Healing

Chapter 1: Deliverance and Inner Healing: Both-And, Not Either-Or

Chapter 2: A Sensible View of Deliverance

Chapter 3: What Inner Healing Is

Chapter 4: What Inner Healing Is Not

Chapter 5: A Christian Can Be Demonized

Chapter 6: Deliverance and Inner Healing Meet at the Armor

Chapter 7: The Dos and Donts of Deliverance

Chapter 8: A Balanced Approach toward Mental Illnesses and Disorders

Chapter 9: When Deliverance and Inner Healing are Inappropriate

Section 2: Deliverance and Healing from types and Functions of Demons

Chapter 10: Delivering Places

Chapter 11: Delivering Animals and Objects

Chapter 12: Demonic Specialists

Chapter 13: Strongholds: Individual and Corporate

Section 3: The Relationship of Occultism, Spiritualism and Cults to Demons, Deliverance and Inner Healing

Chapter 14: Occult Involvement and Demons

Chapter 15: Spiritualism, Delusions and Cults

Appendix 1: Scripture References about Deliverance

Appendix 2: Scripture References about Inner Transformation

Appendix 3: Scripture References about Healing the Wounded Spirit

Appendix 4: Scripture References about Power for the Process Not Magic!

Appendix 5: Scripture References about Prenatal Wounds and Sins

Appendix 6: Clues for Identification of In Utero Wounds




About the Authors and the Ministry of Elijah House


The command to proclaim the Kingdom, heal the sick and cast out demons has always been part of the Great Commission; healing and deliverance should always go hand in hand. This excellent manual brings understanding of both inner healing and deliverance in a unique and practical way a gold mine of precious truth from two very experienced practitioners. An excellent reference tool for pastors, counselors, and members of prayer ministry teams

Peter Horrobin, International Director, Ellel Ministries International

Old-timers in the field like John and me have made many mistakes, which we readily admit. We want to spare the next generation the grief of trail and error. You have in your hands years of experience on which to build. Scores of ministers out there will join me in thanking the Sandford family for this monumental book.

Doris M. Wagner, Co-Founder, International Society of Deliverance Ministers

Read this book and you will never again use a standardized approach to helping hurting people. Holy Spirit pioneers, ministers and wordsmiths John and Mark Sandford powerfully show the significance of bringing together inner healing (sanctification of the heart) and deliverance (removal of demonic influence). They demonstrate that using one without the other is grossly insufficient for most cases. (We heartily agree!) John and Mark also clearly delineate situations, however, when either inner healing or deliverance is more effective separately. And in some cases, such as deepest depression, they caution us to do neither. This book will also help you reassess the relationship between ministry and psychology, and it will broaden and deepen your knowledge of demonic strongholds. Thank you, John and Mark, for this precious gift.

Chester and Betsy Kylstra, Founders, Restoring the Foundational International

About the Authors

John Sandford is co-founder, along with his wife, Paula, of Elijah House Ministries, an international ministry established in 1975 in response to the Lords calling in Malachi 4:5-6 and Matthew 17:11. He and Paula have traveled extensively teaching the biblical principles of repentance and forgiveness and highlighting the transforming power of Jesus death and resurrection. They are considered pioneers in the prophetic and inner healing movements.

John graduated from theological seminary with an MDiv in religion and personality. He pastored churches in Illinois, Kansas and Idaho for 21 years before founding Elijah House. John and Paula have walked in the Holy Spirit since they experienced the baptism of the Spirit in 1958. They have been married since 1951, have six children and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Mark Sandford received his BA from Boise State University in 1978 and his MDiv in counseling from Denver Theological Seminary in 1985. After graduation, he served briefly as an intern prayer minister with Elijah House, then did prayer ministry in Leesburg, Florida, for over three years. Mark joined the Elijah House staff in 1989. In 2005, John Sandford passed the baton of spiritual leadership of Elijah House to Mark, who is now its Spiritual Director. In 2007, Paula passed her mantle to Marks wife, Maureen, who now joins him as his partner in ministry. Mark and Maureen have been married since 1984 and have three children.