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Victory Over the Devil
Victory Over the Devil by Jack R Taylor
Price: $13.99
Author: Jack R Taylor
Format: Paperback
Length: 145 Pages
Published: 2013

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


The devil and demons are largely ignored in modern Christianity because they are only quietly assumed to exist instead of being firmly resisted. This book affirms their existence and gives certain hope of applied victory in both the individual and in the Church itself. To ignore them is to leave one defenseless against them. The Gospel of the Kingdom is the message that Jesus has overcome sin, Satan and death. There is Victory Over the Devil in Jesus Christ!

Although this book was written several decades ago, it remains a fresh look at what the Bible says about the devil, demons, angels, and the believer’s authority in Jesus Christ. It will equip you with spiritual weapons to combat and defeat the enemy. This book will explain the unexplainable from scripture and prepare you to confront your spiritual enemies, Satan and demons, and cooperate with your spiritual allies, the angels.

Table of Contents:

Explanation of 2013 Edition
The Devil
Section 1: Our Adversary, The Devil
The Origin of the Devil
The Operation of the Devil
The Overthrow of the Devil
Our Overcoming
Section 2: The Devil’s Agents, The Demons
The Reality of Demons
The Record of Demons
The Recognition and Removal of Demons
Rules for Remaining Free
Section 3: Our Allies, The Angels
Victory is Now!
Menaces to the Maintenance of Victory
The Law of Theodynamics
The Power of the Spoken Word
What is That in Thine Hand?

About the Author:

Jack R. Taylor is a name that is synonymous with the Spirit-filled life and the kingdom of God. He preaches the Kingdom of God around the world through his books, recorded messages and speaking engagements. Jack also fathers a host of spiritual sons through Sonslink, a ministry committed to modeling the Father/Son paradigm. He is president of Dimensions Ministries and lives with his wife, Friede, near Melbourne, Florida. Jack is a graduate of Hardin-Simmons University and Southwestern Theological Seminary and received an honorary doctorate in 2011.