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Getting to the Dirty Rotten Inner Core
Getting to the Dirty Rotten Inner Core by Douglas Carr
Price: $8.99
Author: Doug Carr
Format: Paperback
Length: 122 Pages
Published: 2016

Stock Status:In Stock

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Deep healing and deliverance may take us to the core of our demonization and pain. But once we get to the inner core, we need to deal with iniquities and faults that reside there the way the Bible tells us to.

We can minister healing to inner wounds and cast out demons, but the Bible way of dealing with iniquities and faults is true confession and the corresponding prayers of the righteous for healing.

This book is the product of my own personal study of how we can deal with specific “rotten inner cores” through confession and prayer and actually be healed of root problems deep within.

Table of Contents:
Preface: Getting at the Inner Core
Inner Core of Anger
Chapter 1: Getting at the Inner Core of Anger
Chapter 2: Getting at the Inner Core of Generational Curses
Chapter 3: The Inner Core Behind the Issues
Inner Core of Frustration
Chapter 4: Getting at the Inner Core of Frustration
Chapter 5: Considering the Key Links of Frustration
Chapter 6: The Inner Roots of Frustration
Chapter 7: Launch Pads of Frustration
Chapter 8: Addressing Frustration Inner Core
Inner Core of Greed
Chapter 9: Getting at the Inner Core of Ever Wanting More
Chapter 10: A Historical Look at Mammon
Chapter 11: The Bible’s Light on Mammon
Chapter 12: Addressing Mammon’s Inner Core
Chapter 13: Selfish Entitlement
Chapter 14: Dead Sea Hoarding or Sea of Galilee Abundance
Chapter 15: Jesus Bleeding Brow Wins Back our Prosperity
Inner Cores Surrounding Jealousy
Chapter 16: Getting at the Inner Core of Murder and Hatred
Chapter 17: Getting at the Inner Core of Jealousy
Chapter 18: Getting at the Inner Core of Revenge
Chapter 19: Getting at the Inner Core of Strife
Chapter 20: Getting at the Inner Core of Competitiveness
Chapter 21: Getting at the Inner Core of Cruelty
Chapter 22: Remorse versus Depression
Wrap Up
About the Carrs

Dr. Carr is anointed by God for the purpose of ministering to the deeper issues of the spiritual life, which war against the soul. The Holy Spirit has gifted and equipped him to go to the inner core of people to expose what continually brings struggles to their lives. When he writes that “iniquity describes the character behind the action or sin,” he is addressing the dep inner cause of struggles that bring spiritual defeat. Dr. Carr certainly has a strong ministry for helping people realize what true freedom means. I truly believe his depth of insight in the ministry of deliverance and healing is greatly needed today. This book will answer a lot of questions for those who just can’t seem to get the victory they desire in their lives.
Rev. Bob L. Renner, Lead Pastor, Sturgis Missionary Church

About the Author:
Doug Carr is the founder of Doug Carr Freedom Ministries and Lead Pastor of His House Church in Sturgis, Michigan. Doug completed his Masters and Doctorate at Wagner Leadership Institute and he and his wife, Pamela, are a part of the International Society of Deliverance Ministers. The Carr’s ministry is focused on equipping churches and individuals in deeper levels of worship, intercession and freedom.