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Ministry Anointing of the Prophet Minstrel
Ministry Anointing of the Prophet Minstrel
Price: $14.99
Author: David Brown
Subtitle: The Radical Renaissance
Format: Paperback
Length: 136 Pages
Published: he Radical Renaissance

Stock Status:In Stock


The Ministry Anointing of the Prophet Minstrel is a Scripture based study on the office of Prophet coupled with a musical gifting. The Author’s experience and study of Scripture will release the anointing that God has ordained for this office, which takes the Body of Christ into a deeper relationship and into the presence of God through worship.

When God places the ministries of prophet and minstrel into one person, an explosive anointing can be released when properly cultivated. When this anointing is stirred or shaken, as with nitroglycerine, it will explode.

Prophet minstrels have an anointing to speak words of release and deliverance over the people of God. In addition, they have the authority to activate your ministry destiny and declare victory for the saints.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: The Purpose of Ascension Gifts and/or Five-Fold Ministry Offices
Chapter 2: The Office of Prophet – Its Purpose and Function
Chapter 3: Worship, Music, and the Prophet Minstrel
Chapter 4: Bring Me a Minstrel (Musician)
Chapter 5: The Prophet Minstrel’s Anointing and Activation Authority
Chapter 6: David’s Prophetic Minstrel Anointing
Chapter 7: The Prophetic Psalmist
Chapter 8: The Prophetic Worship Leader
Chapter 9: The Prophetic Minstrel in Worship
Chapter 10: The Prophet Dancer and Prophetic Dancers
Chapter 11: The Apostolic Minstrel and Worship Apostles