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Defeating Strongholds of the Mind
Defeating Strongholds of the Mind by Rebecca Greenwood
Price: $14.99
Sale Price: $12.74
Savings: $2.25
Author: Rebecca Greenwood
Subtitle: A Believers Guide to Breaking Free
Format: Paperback
Length: 222 Pages
Published: 2014

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


We have all experienced battles with thoughts that need to be diffused and defeated. We have all battled mental strongholds, though we may not have realized it. A stronghold of the mind is a lie that Satan has established in our thinking that we count as true but is actually a false belief. When we embrace these lies, they affect our attitudes, emotions, and behaviors.

God wants all of His children to walk in victory and freedom in their thought lives. But the bible tells us that we have an evil and deceptive enemy who is “the father of lies and of all that is false.” (John 8:44, AMP).

Defeating Strongholds of the Mind explains how Satan traps us in lies and false perceptions. It shows us how to partner with God, enter into worship and embrace our kingdom identity to gain victory through:

  • Identifying thinking patterns that can become strongholds
  • Explaining how certain types of entertainment can negatively influence out thinking
  • Offering specific prayers to bring victory in the mental battles we fight
Sharing stories from people who have overcome the deceptions, struggles, and strongholds in their minds.

Table of Contents:

Foreword by Dr. Che Ahn
Chapter 1: Holy Spirit, Does My Mind Need Freedom?
Chapter 2: Do I Have a Stronghold of the Mind?
Chapter 3: Recognizing Sin for What It Is
Chapter 4: How Thoughts Affect Our Emotions
Chapter 5: finding Freedom through Forgiveness
Chapter 6: Healing the Mind from the scars of the Past
Chapter 7: Watch What You Allow Into Your Life
Chapter 8: Speak Words of Life and Blessing
Chapter 9: Resolve to Walk in Freedom
Chapter 10: Think on What Is Good
Chapter 11: But We Have the Mind of Christ


Many believers have experienced adversity and spiritual battles in their minds and emotions. Truthfully, we are not to let negative thoughts or emotions rule us and open the door to fear or insecurity. Instead we are to rein in these thoughts through the power of the salvation and wholeness we have received through Christ. God’s light of faithfulness is able to shine through the debris from past seasons and cause us to rise in freedom because it is our nature to overcome. In this book Rebecca Greenwood provides the spiritual, scriptural, and practical tools that will empower us to lay hold of the freedom we have in Christ and live victoriously.
Dutch Sheets, Prayer Leader and Author

Rebecca Greenwood has written a groundbreaking book that will set people free from strongholds that have long plagued them. She opens closed doors and releases the light of hope into areas that keep people in bondage to difficult issues such as depression, fear, rejection, unbelief, confusion, and other strongholds of the mind.
Cindy Jacobs, Cofounder, Generals International

About the Author:

Rebecca Greenwood is cofounder and president of Christian Harvest International and Strategic Prayer Action Network. She is an internationally known speaker who has appeared on TBN, Daystar and Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural. Her articles on prayer have appeared in Charisma, Pray! and The SpiritLed Woman Bible. Rebecca is a core faculty of Wagner Leadership Institute under C. Peter Wagner and Che Ahn. She lives with her husband and three daughters in Colorado Springs, Colorado