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Jesus Came Out of the Tomb So Can You
Jesus Came Out of the Tomb So Can You by Harold Eberle
Price: $9.95
Author: Harold Eberle
Subtitle: A Brief Explanation of Resurrection-based Christia
Format: Paperback
Length: 97 Pages
Published: 2005

Stock Status:In Stock



Christians desire to surrender their lives to God, so they bow to the cross as a symbol of ultimate surrender. For many of us, thought, the emphasis on the death of our Lord has become a fixation and even an alternate identity. In our sincere attempts to please God and rid ourselves of sin, we continually focus on the single event which traditional theology tells us paid for our sins. Yet we rarely experience the fullness of Gods promises.

If God raised Jesus from the tomb in power and glory, why arent we living in that resurrection? If God raised Jesus into heaven, and us with Him, why arent we experiencing His victory? We can!

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Sam Kneels Beneath the Cross

Chapter 2: Resurrection and Ascension Power

Chapter 3: The Power Directed Toward Us

Chapter 4: Christianity: Death versus Life

Chapter 5: Grace Flows from Jesus and His Life

Chapter 6: Repentance that Works

Chapter 7: Why Did Jesus Die?

Chapter 8: A Penalty for Our Sins?

Chapter 9: Our Concept of God

Chapter 10: It is About Relationship

Chapter 11: The Historical Hold of Death-Centered Christianity

Chapter 12: The Over-Emphasis of Sin

Chapter 13: There are Good People and Bad People

Chapter 14: Life is the Answer to Death

Chapter 15: Meeting Jesus for Salvation

Chapter 16: Where the Christian Meets Jesus

Chapter 17: Crucify Ourselves?

Chapter 18: Christians Have Good Hearts

Chapter 19: God Works in and Through Our Hearts

Chapter 20: The Subduing Power of the Cross

Chapter 21: Is it Time to Move the Cross?

In Closing


About the Author

In 1986, Harold R. Eberle left the pastorate and embarked on a traveling ministry which has taken him to many countries around the world. Harold is now in demand as a conference speaker, being welcomed by many different denominations. In addition to his extensive speaking schedule, he has founded several Bible colleges in Africa and written over 20 books. His passion is to see the Church rise ii glory, power, and maturity. Along with his wife, Linda, Harold lives in Yakima, Washington. They has been married for more than 27 years and have three grown children.