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Freedom from Soul Wounds and Demons
Freedom from Soul Wounds and Demons by Nelson Schuman
Price: $12.99
Author: Nelson Schuman
Subtitle: Your Breakthrough to True Peace and Joy
Format: Paperback
Length: 139 Pages
Published: 2021

Stock Status:In Stock

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Freedom from Soul Wounds and Demons talks about the many ways that demons gain legal rights to torment us and how to keep our souls clean so that we can live a life full of the fruit of the Spirit. It explains why those in the church struggle to have good fruit in their lives and continue to pursue a life of sin that would keep them from heaven. He also gives you steps on getting your own personal soul wounds healed by Jesus and then taking out the strongmen of demons from having legal rights to torment you.

I highly recommend people to read this life-changing book so that you can enjoy a life full of the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control). When both a husband and wife choose to pursue healing and deliverance, they can enjoy a life full of joy, peace and love with minimal strife. Families can be changed forever to enjoy what God wants for them! I have seen in my own ministry the power of getting soul wounds healed and delivered from demons as thousands have done and look forward to seeing the same fruit in the lives of those who have read this book and taken the steps to get healed and delivered.
Dr. Scott Bitcon

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: What are Soul Wounds?
Chapter 2: How Demons Affect Our Soul
Chapter 3: Getting Soul Wounds Healed
Chapter 4: Demons Legal Rights to Torment
Chapter 5: The Deliverance Process
Chapter 6: Walking Out Your Deliverance
Chapter 7: Having Jesus Heal Your Soul Wounds
Chapter 8: Getting Delivered from Your Demons
Chapter 9: Walking in the Fruit of the Spirit
Chapter 10: Helping Others Get Free

About the Author:
Nelson Schuman is founder and president of Restored to Freedom. He is an author, anointed speaker and teacher ministering restoration of lives and marriages. He has an extremely strong anointing for deliverance, physical healings and providing prophetic insightful words from the Lord. He has written 10 books that are being used to help people around the world to have more peace and joy helping them to be freed from their past soul wounds.