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Activating the Gift of Prophecy
Activating the Gift of Prophecy by Jermaine and Rebecca Francis
Price: $16.99
Sale Price: $14.44
Savings: $2.55
Author: Jermaine and Rebecca Francis
Subtitle: Your Guide to Receiving and Sharing What God is Saying
Format: Paperback
Length: 163 Pages
Published: 2019

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


When it comes to prophecy, the three most common questions among Christians are:
  • Can every believer speak prophetically?
  • If so, how do I start hearing God’s voice?
  • Once I’ve heard a prophetic word, what should I do next?

Jermaine and Rebecca Francis answer the first question with a resounding “yes!” – every believer can receive and release words from Heaven!

With this in mind, they tackle the other two questions, offering this book as a user-friendly guide to hearing from God and speaking His words.

Jermaine and Rebecca represent the next generation of prophetic voices under the leadership of renowned and teacher, Dr. Bill Hamon. Their passion is to activate and instruct other believers in the prophetic anointing.

Activating the Gift of Prophecy will help you:
  • Start operating in the gift of prophecy in accordance with Scripture.
  • Discern the voice of God through different spiritual senses.
  • Separate soul from spirit when it comes to hearing God.
  • Operate in prophetic protocol to deliver words effectively.
  • Develop a pure heart that God can trust with prophetic revelation.

As a follower of Jesus, you are filled with the Holy Spirit, which means you have access to God’s prophetic words. Learn how to receive and release these words today!

Table of Contents:
Foreword by Tom and Jane Hamon
Introduction by Bill Hamon
Chapter 1: You Can Prophesy
Chapter 2: What is Prophecy?
Chapter 3: Accuracy of the Heart
Chapter 4: Ways to Hear God’s Voice
Chapter 5: Turn Sensings into Prophecy
Chapter 6: Seeing Plus Discerning
Chapter 7: Discernment
Chapter 8: Separating the Soul and Spirit
Chapter 9: Protocols in Prophecy
Chapter 10: The Language of Prophecy
Chapter 11: Practicing More

About the Authors:
Jermaine and Rebecca Francis speak around the world teaching and activating believers to hear God’s voice. Jermaine is the author of Break Up with Defeat. Rebecca created a course helping first-time authors write Holy Spirit-inspired books that build the Kingdom of God. She is also the author of Thx! The secret to being grateful. They are staff at Christian International under Dr. Bill Hamon.