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Taking Off the Limitations
Taking Off the Limitations by Kevin Zadai
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Author: Kevin Zadai
Subtitle: You Can't Even Imagine What God Has in Store for You
Format: Paperback
Length: 239 Pages
Published: 2021

Stock Status:In Stock

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Jesus said that, when it comes to living in the Kingdom of God, we are called to become “like little children.” Little children do not believe they are limited by anything unless they are told. So, who told you that it’s okay to live with limitations?

Kevin Zadai had a life-changing supernatural experience in Heaven that has motivated and directed every message he has felt called to share. Kevin is confident that when the angels in Heaven see you, they do not consider you a failure. In fact, they have access to divine intel from the Books of Heaven that reveal every victory, success, and breakthrough you are destined to walk in.

It’s time to change the way you think and upgrade the way you see yourself.

This dynamic teaching will show you how to:
  • Access your supernatural freedom as a believer created in the image of God.
  • Recognize God’s power and provision through intimate fellowship in prayer.
  • Walk in increased awareness of what Heaven says about you through connection with the Holy Spirit.
  • Lie from your redeemed spirit and walk in victory over the flesh.
  • Function in the limitless realm of God’s Kingdom by walking in childlike faith.

Through Jesus Christ, God has removed every limitation from you. It’s time to fulfill your supernatural destiny by agreeing with what Heaven says about you!

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Why Is My World So Small?
Chapter 2: Walking in Forgiveness
Chapter 3: Repentance Is a Key
Chapter 4: Do Not Be an Unbelieving Believer
Chapter 5: Turning the Tables on the Enemy
Chapter 6: The Enemy Within
Chapter 7: True Holiness Is Ownership
Chapter 8: Living Out of Your Spirit
Chapter 9: The Blood Was Enough
Chapter 10: No One in Heaven Is Limiting You
Salvation Prayer

About the Author:
Kevin Zadai, ThD is dedicated to training Christians to live and operate in two realms at once – the supernatural and the natural. Called to ministry at age 10, he attended Central Bible College in Springfield, Missouri, where he received a bachelor’s degree in theology. Later, Kevin received training in missions at Rhema Bible College and a doctorate of theology form Primus University. At age 31, during a routine surgery, he found himself on the “other side of the veil” with Jesus in a heavenly visitation that forever marked his life. This encounter ushered his ministry into new dimensions of power, activation, and impartation. Kevin is retired after being employed by Southwest Airlines for 29 years; he and his wife, Kathi, reside in New Orleans, Louisiana, and are ordained by Dr. Jesse and Dr. Cathy Duplantis.