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Winning the Battle for Your Mind, Will and Emotions
Winning the Battle for Your Mind, Will and Emotions by Robert Hotchkin
Price: $14.99
Sale Price: $12.74
Savings: $2.25
Author: Robert Hotchkin
Format: Paperback
Length: 221 Pages
Published: 2018

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


All of heaven is available to you right now through the finished work of the cross. But often it does not look or feel that way. The reason: There is a battle for your mind, will and emotions that largely determines the fullness of God’s presence, power and Kingdom that you walk in. It is critical that you partner with Him to win the battle.

This book is your key to victory! It overflows with revelation and practical ways to apply profound biblical truths in your life right now. In these pages, you will discover:
  • God’s purpose for you as one of His Kingdom agents of impact
  • How and why the enemy attacks
  • The divinely designed power God has placed within you to defeat the enemy
  • How to walk in that power every day
  • Your ability to release heaven into the earth in profound ways

Winning the Battle for Your Mind, Will and Emotions is the secret to walking in the more of God you have been crying out for.

Table of Contents:
Foreword by Patricia King
Introduction: The Eternal Truth of I AM
Chapter 1: In the Beginning
Chapter 2: A Divine Setup
Chapter 3: “More” of God
Chapter 4: The Power of Your Mind
Chapter 5: The Power of Your Will
Chapter 6: The Power of Your Emotions
Chapter 7: The Power of Your Words
Chapter 8: Choosing to Live in Victory


The wisdom of God drips off the pages of this book. Chapter after chapter will impart to you solutions to many of your life battles. Secrets for success are unlocked, wisdom for your personal struggles is imparted and strength to make wise decisions is waiting to be given to you! Winning the Battle for Your Mind, Will and Emotions will set you free to be the overcomer you are meant to be. Read this book to be a champion. Share this book with someone to be a blessing. Live the contents of this book to become a gate of heaven on earth.
Brian Simmons, translator, The Passion Translation Project

The apostle Paul spoke of taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. In other words, we have been granted the authority from God to control what would otherwise control us. In Winning the Battle for Your Mind, Will and Emotions, Robert Hotchkin shows from Scripture and personal experience how to contend in this arena and come out victorious.
Robert Henderson, leader, Global Reformers; author

About the Author:
Robert Hotchkin is a speaker, author, media host and one of the core leaders of Patricia King Ministries. His preaching, teaching and ministry inspire believers to grab hold of their restored relationship with the Father through the finished work of the cross and walk the earth as Jesus did – destroying every work of darkness everywhere they go. Robert and his wife live in Maricopa, Arizona.