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How to Forgive When it Feels Impossible
How to Forgive When it Feels Impossible by Peter Horrobin
Price: $7.99
Sale Price: $6.79
Savings: $1.20
Author: Peter Horrobin
Format: Paperback
Length: 127 Pages
Published: 2008

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)



On the cross, Jesus prayed these dramatic words: Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. He set a powerful example for us, demonstrating that forgiveness is possible even in the face of the worst that human beings can do to one another.

Forgiveness is the key to healing in the most hurtful relationships. It transforms our relationship with our heavenly Father and is the beginning of a fresh new adventure with Him.

This liberating teaching from Peter Horrobin explores the most powerful prayer on earth: the prayer of forgiveness – even toward those who don’t seem to deserve it. As we learn to set forgiveness as a foundation stone for our faith, we can rise above the bondage of bitterness. Here you will find words of healing for your past and the ability to walk through new doors of freedom in your future.

Table of Contents:


Chapter 1: A Master Key: God’s Way Out

Chapter 2: The Most Powerful Prayer on Earth: Spiritual Dynamite

Chapter 3: Forgive and Be Forgiven: God’s Divine Law of Blessing

Chapter 4: But They Do Not Deserve It!: The Biggest Obstacle

Chapter 5: Starting with Parents: The Importance of Forgiving Our Parents for Everything

Chapter 6: Dealing with Thieves and Robbers: Freedom from Those Who Have Stolen part of Our Lives

Chapter 7: Me Too?: The Need to Forgive Ourselves

Chapter 8: How Often, Lord?: Simon Peter’s Most Important Lesson

Chapter 9: What about God?: The Need to Tell God We Are Sorry for Blaming Him

About the Author:

Peter Horrobin is the founder and international director of Ellel Ministries. There are more than 50 Ellel operations in more than 35 countries. Each center provides training courses, schools and opportunities for personal prayer ministry. Peter is a graduate of Oxford University and was a successful publisher before starting Ellel in 1986. He and his wife, Fiona, live near the first Ellel center, Ellel Grange, in Lancashire, England.