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Gods Revelation of Sound, Light and Darkness
God's Revelation of Sound, Light and Darkness by DoC BiC
Price: $16.99
Author: Doc BiC
Subtitle: Volume 1: Disease and Healing
Format: Paperback
Length: 257 Pages
Published: 2011

Stock Status:In Stock


Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: God’s Creative Dunamis in Exousia
Chapter 2: The Glory Light of the Spiritual Realm
Chapter 3: Hidden Light in the Physical Realm
Chapter 4: The Continuous Spectrum of Life
Chapter 5: Spiritual Reality Versus Worldly Illusion
Chapter 6: Imperfect Light in the Physical Realm
Chapter 7: Darkness: A Definable Entity
Chapter 8: The Physical Realm’s Imperfect Darkness
Chapter 9: Disease is Manifested Darkness
Chapter 10: Disease’s Nemesis
Chapter 11: Viewing Healing in a Different Light
Chapter 12: The Pureness of Divine Health
Chapter 13: Achieving Permanent Healing
Chapter 14: Pure Darkness of Consummating Evil
Appendix: A Vision in Sound and Light

About the Author:

DoC BiC’s history as a disciple of Christ is long and complex. His life as a physician, surgeon and career military officer (Colonel) was built upon a spiritual foundation dating as far back as he can remember, or as he puts it: at lease since a toddler on my mother’s lap in devoted church life. Doubting that he ever did consciously not believe in God, and Christ as his Savior, he does note his public formal declaration as early as around the age of twelve, already well into a Christian life of worship. Growing up in the projects of Bradenton, Florida afforded the early honing of prayer skills and spiritual warfare. And, his subsequent migration through various Protestant denominations and Catholicism helped him develop a mature view of the commonality of true worship as well as an appreciation of the divisiveness of bias within the body of Christ. He credits non-biblical doctrine and tradition as a severe stumbling block until God finally rescued him from it. Now, as he makes his rounds through non-denominational fellowships, his grey-haired perspective advances into senior mentoring and blessing of his brothers and sisters, in his love for the Kingdom of God. Long ago recognizing his calling into the office of teacher, he has pursued his studies and support intermixed with his secular careers, always devoted to staying attuned to God’s next mission for him. He partners with a devoted wife of 36 years who wears a mutually beneficial gifted intercessory prayer calling, as well as being blessed by gifted callings upon his children, equally beneficial and mutually supportive. His only pursuit today is to “be still”, hear his Father’s voice, and then move out: “I was born into death, I died into birth, and now I live in immortality to serve my Father.”