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God's Way Out of Depression
God's Way Out of Depression by David Cross
Price: $15.99
Author: David Cross
Format: Paperback
Length: 156 Pages
Published: 2021

Stock Status:In Stock


This book is written to help you if you’re struggling with depression, and to encourage family and friends who are caring for you. The Bible clearly points to the fact that God really does not have an answer to this issue and, through the ministry of Jesus, it’s possible to explore the roots of depression and then to travel with Him on a journey of healing. While the medical profession is gaining greater understanding in how to alleviate the symptoms of depression, only God can bring restoration to the deep spiritual needs, which so often lie at the heart of this disorder. Within these pages you will discover testimonies from twelve people, with very different life stories, describing their miraculous healing journey out of major depression, and you will find that their experiences affirm biblical principles which can open the door to God’s way out of depression

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: What is Depression
Chapter 2: Secular and Christian Responses to Depression
Chapter 3: God Sees the Precise Place of Inner Despair
Chapter 4: God Sees Every Moment of Our Past and Present
Chapter 5: Crossroads on God’s Roadmap to Recovery
Chapter 6: Some Practical Suggestions
Chapter 7: Final Thoughts

About the Author:
David Cross is a member of the International Executive of Ellel Ministries. He has a passion for seeing God’s restoration of broken lives, and he lives to share God’s truth through teaching and writing. Many people, confused by the ungodly ideologies of today’s world, have found that his authoritative explanation of God’s Word has brought significant understanding and healing. David has written seven other books including A to Z Guide to the Healing Ministry.