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Complete Wineskin
Complete Wineskin by Harold Eberle
Price: $12.95
Author: Harold Eberle
Format: Paperback
Length: 177 Pages
Published: 1993/1997

Stock Status:In Stock

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The Body of Christ is entering into a new reformation. God s stirring. Christians throughout the land are hungry for a fresh anointing. God is pouring out the Holy Spirit and our wineskins must be changed for us to handle the new wine of the Spirit.

It is time now that we take a realistic look at the present-day structure of our churches.

  • How must we change?
  • Apostles and prophets are appearing on the scene. Where do they fit?
  • Do small group meetings have a viable place in our cities?
  • Most importantly, how does the anointing of God work and where do you fit into the Body of Christ today?

This book gives answers. It puts into words what you have been sensing in your spirit. Read it and be challenged!

Table of Contents


Part 1: An Overview of the Ministry Gifts

Chapter 1: The Purposes of the Ministry Gifts

Chapter 2: Pastors, Teachers, and Evangelists

Chapter 3: Do We Have Ears to Hear?

Chapter 4: Foundation Workers: Prophets and Apostles

Chapter 5: Varying Gifts

Chapter 6: Confusion in the Church

Part 2: The New Testament Wineskin

Chapter 7: Learning to Think Anew

Chapter 8: Headship in the Local Church

Chapter 9: Authority Among the Presbytery

Chapter 10: The Role of the Evangelists

Chapter 11: The Role of the Pastors

Part 3: Two Thousand Years of Wineskin Stretching

Chapter 12: Advancing Toward Maturity

Chapter 13: The Birth of a Christian Organization

Chapter 14: The Aging of a Wineskin

Chapter 15: Changes in Preaching

Chapter 16: The Total Wineskin

Chapter 17: Problems with an Old Wineskin

Chapter 18: What About You?

Part 4: The Wineskin Now Forming

Chapter 19: The Last Outpouring of Wine

Chapter 20: Today's Limiting Church

Chapter 21: The Whole Church

Chapter 22: Understanding the Anointings

Chapter 23: Organizing the Church

Chapter 24: Meetings and Gatherings

Chapter 25: Unity in the Body of Christ

Chapter 26: The Authority of the Higher Gifts

Chapter 27: Manifesting the Headship of Jesus

Chapter 28: The Gathering at the Last Outpouring

Epilogue: The Church in Transition

About the Author

While pastoring a church in the Northwest U.S., Harold R. Eberle committed himself to an extended period of prayer, which led to an experience with God that changed his life. He came out convinced that before the return of Jesus Christ, the church will rise in glory, unity, and maturity. At that time, Harold left the pastoral ministry and began traveling throughout the world as a prophetic teacher to the Body of Christ. Since 1985, he has been declaring and teaching about the "Apostolic Reformation" which the Church is presently experiencing. This reformation is greater than that of Martin Luther's day. It is demanding a restructuring of the Church around the five-fold ministry, with apostles in leadership positions. This current Reformation is leading to changes in every area of Christianity.

Harold R. Eberle has authored more than 25 books and founded several Bible Colleges in developing nations. He continues to travel the world and oversees Worldcast Ministries and Publishing which is based in Yakima, WA.