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Breaking Hell's Economy
Breaking Hell's Economy by Joseph Z
Price: $21.99
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Author: Joseph Z
Subtitle: Your Guide to Last-Days Supernatural Provision
Format: Paperback
Length: 328 Pages
Published: 2022

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There’s a war being fought over you! The Kingdom of God offers you divine provision while the Kingdom of Hell fights for territory in your life as a crisis looms on the world’s horizon.

Will you break free of Hell’s economy? International prophet and Bible teacher Joseph Z says it’s urgent to break free now as we rapidly plunge into global difficulties involving worldwide market collapse, bank closures, a digital one-world currency, power grids failing, cyber war, medical deception, natural catastrophes, and unprecedented international conflict.

In Breaking Hell’s Economy, Joseph makes it clear that we’re at a destination in history that requires a revelation of God’s supernatural economy – your ultimate defense against rising darkness. Arm yourself with revelation empowering you to:
  • Operate in God’s last-days economy
  • Understand the ultimate end-time wealth transfer
  • Engage the 30, 60, 100-fold return to break Hell’s yoke off your life
  • Debunk religious myths about Jesus and wealth
  • Release the same miracle power of a widow’s jar, desert manna, a coin in a fish’s mouth, food multiplication, and a floating axe head. God is ready to do it all again for you!

Lay hold of this revelation, defy Hell, and live your life knowing you are destined to thrive in the last days!

Table of Contents:
Section 1: Light in Darkness
Chapter 1: The Light in Goshen
Chapter 2: When the World Collapses
Chapter 3: The Founder of Hell’s Economy
Chapter 4: The Kingdom of God Is Not a Democracy
Chapter 5: A Corporate Superpower
Chapter 6: Institution or Ekklesia

Section 2: The Historical Life of Jesus
Chapter 7: Jesus and Ancient Myths
Chapter 8: The Superiority of Jesus
Chapter 9: Supernatural Abundance
Chapter 10: The Authority of Jesus
Chapter 11: Seed Wars
Chapter 12: Jesus and the Wise Men
Chapter 13: Worship the King
Chapter 14: Delivery of a Fortune
Chapter 15: Joseph, the Father of Jesus
Chapter 16: The Magi Broke Hell’s Economy over Jesus
Chapter 17: Jesus’ Source of Income

Section 3: Weaponizing Your Faith
Chapter 18: Burn the Ships and Don’t Look Back
Chapter 19: It Takes Vision
Chapter 20: Delay Is Not Denial
Chapter 21: God Wants You to Increase
Chapter 22: Your Beginning was Small
Chapter 23: A Different View of Wealth
Chapter 24: Sacrificial Giving Creates Radical Returns
Chapter 25: The Persecution of Increase

Section 4: Positioned to Break Hell’s Economy
Chapter 26: Delivered of Hell’s Economics
Chapter 27: Breaking Hell’s Economy for Your Family
Chapter 28: Breaking Out of Babylon
Chapter 29: Last-Days Wealth Transfer
Chapter 30: On a Bad Day, You’re the Best There Is!

About the Author:
Joseph Z is an author, broadcaster, Bible teacher, and international prophetic voice. Before the age of nine, he began encountering the voice of God through dreams and visions. Joseph has dedicated his life to preaching the gospel around the world. He and his wife, Heather, are founders of Z Ministries, a media and conference-based ministry in Colorado.