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Extreme Decrees for Extreme Times
Extreme Decrees for Extreme Times by Patricia King, Bart and Kim Hadaway, Paulette Reed, Rob Hotchkin
Price: $9.99
Author: Patricia King, Bart and Kim Hadaway, Paulette Reed
Subtitle: A Prophetic Devotional to Encourage You in...
Format: Paperback
Length: 88 Pages
Published: 2011

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The Lord has always been a refuge for His people. We are His covenant children and He has a place for us to live. While Egypt was experiencing the severe judgments of God, His people were safe in their homes. When darkness covered Egypt, there was light in the households of Gods covenant people. God is calling us to live in the refuge of His Kingdom and Presence at this time. The Lord is calling us to live by His ways by His Word. These are glorious days for the church. We have come to an hour where we can truly arise and shine in His brilliant glory.

I invited a few of our XP Team Leaders to seek the Lord for His heart for You at this time. We have together asked the Lord to deliver some prophetic devotions and decrees to encourage the Body - Extreme Decrees for Extreme Times.

The pages of this book will reveal glimpses of the Lords heart concerning His desires and promises for you in these days. It is all good! You are deeply loved by Him. He truly does love you with an everlasting love a love that does not change during difficult times. The decrees are from His heart to yours. Enjoy!

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: You are Being Upgraded (Patricia King)

Chapter 2: The Lord is Our Exceedingly Great Reward (Bart Hadaway)

Chapter 3: The Effectual Fervent Prayer (Kim Hadaway)

Chapter 4: Our Father Said All Things (Paulette Reed)

Chapter 5: You are a World Changer (Rob Hotchkin)

Chapter 6: Living in the Blessing Zone (Patricia King)

Chapter 7: The Lord is Our Trust (Bart Hadaway)

Chapter 8: Possessing Your Inheritance (Kim Hadaway)

Chapter 9: Living in the Faith Realm (Paulette Reed)

Chapter 10: Divine Health and Healing (Rob Hotchkin)

Chapter 11: The Power of Favor (Patricia King)

Chapter 12: Blessed to Be a Blessing (Kim Hadaway)

Chapter 13: The Longer You Wait, the Stronger You Get (Paulette Reed)

Chapter 14: You are Loved (Rob Hotchkin)

Chapter 15: Be Fruitful and Multiply (Patricia King)