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Real Faith for Healing
Real Faith for Healing by Charles S Price
Price: $11.99
Author: Charles S Price
Subtitle: Why Are So Many Not Healed When They Are Prayed For?
Format: Paperback
Length: 145 Pages
Published: 1940/1997

Stock Status:In Stock


“Dr. Prince’s written and spoken ministry had a profound influence on the direction of my life.  My sister, Florence, had a collision with a truck carrying hot asphalt.  She received third-degree burns, and her pelvis suffered seven fractures. She was compelled to lie in a bed of salve because her burns were so severe that she could not stand the touch of bedding or clothing.  X-rays showed that the sharp points of broken bones were headed into vital organs.  Because of her burns, she could not be operated on.
In desperation, I contacted Dr. Prince, and he agreed to come.  As he prayed for her, God laid His mighty hand upon her and healed her, to the amazement of doctors and nurses. New X-rays were taken – every bone had gone back into place!”
Demos Shakarian, Founder of Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International

Table of Contents:

Introduction by Judson Cornwall
Section 1: Real Faith
Chapter 1: Something Was Wrong
Chapter 2: Till All Our Struggles Cease
Chapter 3: The Better Road
Chapter 4: The Origins of Faith
Chapter 5: Strength For Your Labor
Chapter 6: Your Mountains Are Moved
Chapter 7: God Wants to Make It Easy
Chapter 8: Imparted Faith
Chapter 9: Faith Is a Gift
Chapter 10: Faith Is a Fruit
Chapter 11: The Vessel Made of Clay
Chapter 12: Living Waters
Chapter 13: The Living Word
Section 2: Healing
Preface to Section 2
Chapter 14: Scriptural Basis for Healing
Chapter 15: How to Receive Your Healing
Chapter 16: Common Mistakes
Chapter 17: How to Keep Your Healing

About the Author:

Charles Price was originally from Britain and trained in law at Wesley College, Oxford.  He had a conversion experience at a Free Methodist mission in Spokane, Washington, and later attended Aimee Semple McPherson’s meetings in California, where he was filled with the Holy Spirit.  From that moment on he became a blazing flame of evangelism and a channel for divine healing wherever he went.