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Deliverance Fact vs. Fiction
Deliverance Fact vs. Fiction by Michael Jacobs
Price: $13.99
Author: Michael Jacobs
Format: Paperback
Length: 194 Pages
Published: 2019

Stock Status:In Stock


The first sign we are told will follow believers is that they will cast out devils (Mark 16:17). Sadly, it is one of the most overlooked forms of healing in the Body of Christ. The study of deliverance does not mean a person is devil-conscious nor is it a side issue rarely addressed in scripture. Jesus noted that deliverance is the children’s bread in Mark 7.27.

It is the knowledge of the truth that brings freedom, not opinion or tradition. This book discusses that truth as well as our victory and authority over the devil. I pray you will receive of the truth in the pages of this book.

Table of Contents:
Foreword by Ed Dufresne
Chapter 1: Deliverance: A Forgotten Ministry
Chapter 2: The Authority of the Believer
Chapter 3: The Origin of the Devil and Demons
Chapter 4: Types of Demons
Chapter 5: How Demons Operate
Chapter 6: Demons and Disease
Chapter 7: How Demons Gain Entrance
Chapter 8: The Occult
Chapter 9: Can a Believer Have a Demon?
Chapter 10: How to Stay Free
Chapter 11: The Power of the Blood

About the Author:
Dr. Michael P. Jacobs founded and pastors Church on the Rock in New Albany, Indiana with his wife, Diana. Along with authoring several books, Dr. Jacobs serves as pastor to several pastors and missionaries.