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Alignment by Mark Pfeifer
Price: $17.99
Author: Mark Pfeifer
Subtitle: A Blueprint for the 21st Century Church
Format: Paperback
Length: 380 Pages

Stock Status:In Stock



What do a chiropractor and a mechanic have in common? They both understand the importance of Alignment. Once aligns the spine for the health of the body while the other aligns the car for better tire wear and handling. The reason why many churches are unhealthy and leaders are wearing themselves out is because they are not in alignment. This book examines the strategies of alignment that will release the blessings of the Kingdom of God in your life and ministry.

Table of Contents

Foreword by C Peter Wagner


Chapter 1: Shadows and Substance

Chapter 2: Step by Step

Chapter 3: The Kingdom Sequence

Chapter 4: Step One in Sequence: Authority

Chapter 5: Step Two in Sequence: Order

Chapter 6: Step Three in Sequence: Function

Chapter 7: Step Four in Sequence: Blessing

Chapter 8: Biblical Church Government

Chapter 9: Leading as a Servant

Chapter 10: Family of Warriors

Chapter 11: Another Brick in the Wall

Chapter 12: The Emerging Apostles

Epilogue and Conclusion


Any leader that is yearning to understand what God is doing today would benefit by reading Alignment. In these days of transition from the Church age to a full Kingdom expression, alignment is the key to crossing over. If you will read Alignment, you will get to the other side much more quickly.

Dr. Chuck Pierce, President, Glory of Zion International

A book like Alignment could only be written by an apostle who is also a pastor. Mark Pfeifer fits the bill perfectly. This is the best guidebook I have seen to explain simply and powerfully how a local church can become apostolic through and through. Every pastor should read and breathe from it.

C. Peter Wagner, International Coalition of Apostles

In this newest book Alignment, Mark Pfeifer gives us cutting edge strategies and sound principles that will enable and empower the body of Christ to build progressive ministries of impact. Our ministry has adopted and put into practice some of these revelatory insights resulting in new levels of fruit and stability. I personally and highly recommend this book as a must read for those ministries who want to go to the next level.

Apostle Les Bowling, Eagle Rock Ministries

Many are asking, What does alignment mean? In Alignment, Mark Pfeifer has written an encyclopedia on the what, and the how of alignment for the Church and the individual Christian. Alignment has been prophesied by the prophets now it is being declared by he apostles. Marks book reveals and affirms their words. It is one of those must reads for church leaders and all believers. It is a now word. So buy it and read it now!

Apostle John P. Kelly, President, Leadership Education for Apostolic Development

About the Author

Mark Pfeifer and Nicki Pfeifer are founders and Senior Pastor of Open Door Christian Fellowship in Chillicothe, Ohio, a church they planted in 1991. Mark is the Lead Apostle of the Soma Family of Ministries, an apostolic network of churches and marketplace leaders headquartered in Chillicothe. Nicki is an ordained prophet with a worldwide itinerate ministry, creating prophetic teams and ordering prophetic ministry in local churches. Together, they founded and continue to oversee several schools including the Southern Ohio School of Ministry with multiple affiliate locations in the U.S. and abroad, the Soma Business Institute, an entrepreneurial training ground for aspiring business owners and the Fire School of Prophetic Training, a one-year training ground for prophetic ministry with multiple affiliate locations. They are Regional Chancellors for the Wagner Leadership Institute, members of the International Coalition of Apostles and the International Christian Wealth Builder. Mark and Nicki have 3 children and reside in Chillicothe, Ohio.