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True Wealth
True Wealth by Jack R Taylor
Price: $13.99
Author: Jack R Taylor
Format: Paperback
Length: 178 Pages
Published: 2014

Stock Status:In Stock

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Does the God of heaven have a plan for your life? Yes, and it is all-inclusive of every relationship, commodity, and capacity you possess. It embraces what you are and all you will ever be. It is the pursuit of the Kingdom of God. It is God’s miraculous plan of economy. It is the ability to become truly wealthy, but true wealth cannot be gained apart from a personal intimate relationship with the Father in heaven, lest you say . . .

My power and the might of mine hand hath gotten me this wealth. But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God, for it is He that giveth thee power to get wealth. (Deut. 8:17-18 KJV).

You may become rich through your own devices, but that does not mean you are truly wealthy. True wealth is living in transcendent relationship with the Father in heaven by the work of the only begotten Son through the present and continuous ministry of the Holy Spirit who abides with us in the earth. This miraculous plan for gaining true wealth is presented in the Bible and is not affected by recession, depression, spiraling inflation, nor dollar devaluation. Through the principles disclosed in this book, your whole economy will change when you apply them. You will know sufficiency and satisfaction as you have never known it before, but it is not for you – it is for him! Welcome to the adventure of releasing divine resources in the earth.

Table of Contents:

Explanation of the Revision
Original Foreword
Original Introduction
Introduction to the Revision
Chapter 1: True Wealth
Chapter 2: Three Great, Grave Questions
Chapter 3: The Platform of the Plan
Chapter 4: The Plan in Operation
Chapter 5: Three Powerful Propositions
Chapter 6: The Person of Christ and the Plan of God
Chapter 7: The Program in a Word
Chapter 8: God’s Cycle of Sufficiency
Chapter 9: How Little Becomes Much
Chapter 10: Opening the Windows of Heaven
Chapter 11: The Promise to Prosper
Chapter 12: The Necessity of Neediness
Chapter 13: Barriers to the Miracle
Chapter 14: Reality Revisited
Chapter 15: The Law of the Harvest
Chapter 16: Becoming a Hilarious Giver
Chapter 17: Tithing and Giving in Century Twenty-One
Chapter 18: Getting In On the Plan

About the Author:

Jack R. Taylor is a name that is synonymous with the Spirit-filled life and the kingdom of God. He preaches the Kingdom of God around the world through his books, recorded messages and speaking engagements. Jack also fathers a host of spiritual sons through Sonslink, a ministry committed to modeling the Father/Son paradigm. He is president of Dimensions Ministries and lives with his wife, Friede, near Melbourne, Florida. Jack is a graduate of Hardin-Simmons University and Southwestern Theological Seminary and received an honorary doctorate in 2011.

Tim Taylor is modeling with his father the Father/Son paradigm, “stewarding the Kingdom legacy.” He directs Dimensions Ministries and Sonslink as well as operates Burkhart Books. Tim lives with his wife, Michelle, and they have two sons living near them in the DFW metroplex.