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God's Plan for Man
God's Plan for Man by Finis Dake
Price: $37.00
Author: Finis Dake
Subtitle: Revealing God's Perfect Plan for All Creation
Format: Hardcover
Length: 1030 Pages
Published: 1990

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Part 1: The Origin of All Things
Creation and testing of free moral agents
All about the Bible and how to interpret Scripture
Reality of God, Satan, angels, demons, and other spiritual beings
Rebellion and overthrow of the pre-Adamite world
The story of re-creation and the second habitation of the earth

Part 2: God’s Historical Dealings with Man
The Ante-diluvian Age – its two dispensations
God’s plan for the needs of man and why it is not realized
The post-diluvian age – its four dispensations
Giants before and after the flood of Noah
Divine healing and divine health – asking and receiving
The times of the Gentiles – eight world empires
Law and grace and the Old Testament Church

Part 3: God’s Present Dealings with Man
The New Testament program for the modern church
Jesus Christ – the Holy Spirit and gifts – seven baptisms
The Christian’s power of attorney – Christian rights
A study of the divine trinity and the New Testament Church
Bible Covenants, parables, kingdom of heaven, kingdom of God
Sin, salvation, sanctification, justification, and other redemptive studies
How to attain to the needs of this life

Part 4: God’s Future Dealings with Man
Where are the dead? Immortality, seven judgments, hell
Heaven and the resurrections, rapture and the second advent
Daniel expounded – 110 prophetic future earthly wonders
The great tribulation and all about the Antichrist
Revelation expounded – things after the Church age
Two witnesses, sun-clothed woman, man-child, beast, false prophet, dragon
Exposition of Matthew 24-25, the ten virgins, end of this age
Two future world empires, the best with seven heads and ten horns
Armageddon, the millennium, the new heavens and new earth
The bride of Christ and life in eternity to come

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