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Tallit by Charlie Kluge
Price: $15.99
Author: Charlie Kluge
Subtitle: Experience the Mysteries of the Prayer Shawl and Other Hidden Treasures
Format: Paperback
Length: 200 Pages
Published: 2016

Stock Status:In Stock


To some people the tallit is merely a cultural garment that signifies a person’s Jewish identity. To others it is a vestige of the old covenant God formed with ancient Israel. But the Jewish prayer shawl is much more than a cultural icon, and it is hardly a historical relic. It is rich with symbolism and hidden meaning that, when understood, can deepen your prayer life and intimacy with God.

In The Tallit Charlie Kluge explains the history, modern meaning, and application of the prayer shawl, showing how it symbolically represents God’s presence and His Word. With the wisdom and spiritual insight provided in this book, you will come to understand the meaning of the prayer shawl and the rich fellowship that comes from seeking God under the tallit.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: The Mystery of the Tallit
Chapter 2: Hearing God Under the Tallit
Chapter 3: The Presence and Covering of God
Chapter 4: Yeshua and the Tallit: Healing in His Wings
Chapter 5: Myths and Misconceptions About the Tallit
Chapter 6: A Journey of Faith Under the Tallit
Chapter 7: The Tallit as a Bridge
Chapter 8: Preparing for the Last Days
Appendix: My Journey to Discover the Jewish Messiah

About the Author:
Dr. Charlie Kluge is the senior rabbi of Congregation Gesher Shalom in Orlando, Florida, and is a well-known conference speaker, both nationally and internationally. He formerly served as president of the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America and currently serves on its executive committee. Kluge holds a doctorate in optometry, a bachelor of arts in psychology, and a bachelor of science in physical and chemical sciences.