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God's Nature Expressed Through His Names
God's Nature Expressed Through His Names by Michael Scantlebury
Price: $19.99
Author: Michael Scantlebury
Format: Paperback
Length: 221 Pages
Published: 2009

Stock Status:In Stock


In our modern-day, names are assigned to a newborn baby at random – either due to the popularity of a name, or to honor someone as a namesake – during Bible times the name given to a child stood for much and had a prominence about it that the names of individuals no longer carry. In this context, it is vitally important that as we study the Word of od and the meanings of His Names.

Some people (even born-again believers) only have a very surface level/superficial concept of who God is. To some, He is just where/who you go to when you need something and for others, He is just a vague peace in a troubled world. But in reality, He is so much more!

Let me say this to you: If you are a born-again believer, everything that defines each one of us is influenced by our perception of God. Let me hasten to say that outside of the Word of God and prayer, we cannot effectively cooperate with the nature of God and outside of this, it is impossible to know the real Lord and God as He desires to be known.

We must always be seeking to interact with God at a higher level. Fully seeking to know Him more intimately and in His entirety in order to become more like Him! Thereby giving us the ability to better express His nature and represent His kingdom much more effectively in the earth! This is done by the study of His names.

How awesome it would be when we encounter God’s nature through the varied expressions of His names. His names give us reference and guidance as to how He works towards and in us as His people – and by extension to society! As a matter of fact, it adds a whole new meaning to how you draw near to Him; and by this you can now begin to know His ways because you have come into relationship with His nature.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Elohim
Chapter 2: Jehovah/Yahweh
Chapter 3: Jehovah Jireh
Chapter 4: Jehovah Nissi
Chapter 5: Jehovah M’Kaddesh
Chapter 6: Jehovah Shalom
Chapter 7: Jehovah Roeh or Rohi
Chapter 8: Jehovah Rophe
Chapter 9: Jehovah Tsidkenu
Chapter 10: El Shaddai
Chapter 11: Adonai
Chapter 12: Baal Perazim

About the Author:
Michael Scantlebury is founder and senior elder of Dominion Life International Ministries. He is also the author of several books. He travels and ministers a strong Kingdom message out of a burning desire to see the church come to full maturity for greater function in the earth. He lives with his wife, Sandra, and their three children, Candice, Rachel and David, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.