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Prophetic Ministry
Prophetic Ministry
Price: $12.99
Author: Rick Joyner
Format: Paperback
Length: 223 Pages
Published: 1997

Stock Status:In Stock



What is prophecy? Who is to prophesy? Is it right to seek prophecy? Since we have the Bible for guidance, do we really need prophecy today? How do the prophetic gifts and ministries function in the local church? Why do we need prophets if all of God's people are able to hear His voice? Can a true prophet miss a prediction? How can we recognize counterfeit gifts of the Spirit?

These are just a few of the common questions being asked in the church today. If the church does not provide biblical answers, we can be sure the vacuum created by ignorance will be filled with deceptions. If you refuse to settle for less than all God has for you . . . If you won't be intimidated by those who claim that God doesn't still speak today . .

This book will answer your questions and challenge you to know God and hear from Him as you never have before?