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Ministry Of Liberality
Ministry Of Liberality by Dale Sides
Price: $8.99
Author: Dale Sides
Format: Booklet
Length: 32 Pages
Published: 2001

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Ministers of liberality are those in the Body of Christ who have the special grace and ability to financially prosper for the benefit of the kingdom of God. Jesus made two profound statements relative to this ministry: "To whom much is given, much will be required," and "How hard it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Although Jesus said it was hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God, He also said that "With God all things are possible." This book teaches the vital requirements for ministers of liberality to enter the 1,000-year reign with Jesus on the earth.

If you have the ministry of liberality, or desire to help those who do, then learn about this vital provision to the Church and the motivation and encouragement Jesus gives to fulfill this calling.

Table of Contents


A Severe Caution

Understanding the Ministry of Liberality

More Definition of Terms

The Meaning of Being Rich and Its Requirements

Pride - The Enemy of the Ministry of Liberality

The Ministry of Liberality Applied

Scriptural Cautions About the Ministry of Liberality

Lessons to Learn from Righteous Rich Men

Conclusion - The Ministry of Liberality is a Test
