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Prophetic Integrity
Prophetic Integrity by R.T. Kendall
Price: $18.99
Sale Price: $17.09
Savings: $1.90
Author: R.T. Kendall
Subtitle: Aligning Our Words with God's Word
Format: Paperback
Length: 174 Pages
Published: 2022

Stock Status:In Stock

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Gross misjudgments among charismatic Christians claiming to speak for God and moral failures within evangelicalism have resulted in a crisis of belief. What happens when prophets get it wrong? Are there consequences for misleading God’s people?

In Prophetic Integrity, bestselling author and speaker R.T. Kendall addresses these questions and gives a warning to those speaking in God’s name. Filled with personal accounts of supernatural experiences, examples of modern-day prophecy, and stories of false teachings within open theism, R.T. Challenges readers to think deeply about current issues within American Christianity.

Timely and thought-provoking, Prophetic Integrity offers a way forward in trusting God despite the failures of the church.

Table of Contents:
Special Recommendation by Carter Conlon
Chapter 1: My Encounter with the Prophetic
Chapter 2: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Chapter 3: The Word and Spirit
Chapter 4: The God of Glory
Chapter 5: The Glory of God and the Dignity of His Will
Chapter 6: Does God Know the Future?
Chapter 7: Seven Levels of Prophecy
Chapter 8: The Oath and the Promise
Chapter 9: Is God Judging the Church Today?
Chapter 10: Prophetic Integrity: A Call for Honesty, Vulnerability, and Repentance

About the Author:
R.T. Kendall was the pastor of Westminster Chapel in London, England, for twenty-five years. He was educated at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Oxford University and has written a number of books.