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Quantum Glory
Quantum Glory by Phil Mason
Price: $24.99
Sale Price: $18.74
Savings: $6.25
Author: Phil Mason
Subtitle: The Science of Heaven Invading Earth
Format: Paperback
Length: 396 Pages
Published: 2010

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Quantum Glory consists of page after page of revelation as to the glory of God and the wonders of the universe. Part One explores the subatomic worlds, revealing its exceptionally intricate divine design that unveils the mind of our Creator. In Part Two, the author explains how the glory of God invades our physical universe to bring about miracles of divine healing.

Quantum Glory is packed with revelation that will blow your mind! But more than that, it is designed to equip you in supernatural ministry so that you can also release the glory of God on earth as it is in heaven! Prepare to have your world turned upside down!

Table of Contents

Foreword by Bill Johnson

Foreword by Rolland Baker


Part 1: Mapping the Quantum Universe


Chapter 1: The Huacking of Quantum Physics

Chapter 2: Entering the World of the Quantum

Chapter 3: Time and the Quantum

Chapter 4: Quantum Non-Locality and the Spiritual Realm

Chapter 5: God: The Ultimate Observer

Chapter 6: Supernatural Sound Waves

Chapter 7: String Theory and the Voice of God

Chapter 8: Quantum Information and the Mind of God

Chapter 9: Golden Physics and Quantum Geometry

Part 2: Restructuring the Quantum Universe

Chapter 10: Quantum Physics and the Supernatural

Chapter 11: Jesus Key to Quantum Miracles

Chapter 12: Quantum Physics and the Glory of God

Chapter 13: Ministering Out of the Glory Cloud

Chapter 14: Scientia Gloriam: The Knowledge of the Glory

Chapter 15: Taking Back the High Places

Appendix: Quantum Golden Field Theory




We are in the midst of a worldwide move of God with signs and wonders breaking out all over the world. In Quantum Glory, Phil Mason combines his passion for the science of quantum physics with his personal wealth of experience in supernatural ministry and sound biblical theology. The result is an explosive mix of revelation that has the potential to powerfully envision and activate you to alter the very fabric of the physical world around you through the healing ministry of Christ. This book fills a vital gap in the literature that is emerging in this present wave of revival.

Che Ahn, President, Harvest International Ministry

God is still creating ways for His people to respond to His overtures. All creation speaks of Him, and the language and principles of quantum physics are a vital part of His heavenly discourse with humanity. From quantum non-locality through sound waves, string theory, the mathematical order of nature, quantum geometry and the golden ratio, to the alignment between quantum physics and the supernatural, the glory of God, and the key to miracles, you will understand more about the radiant nature of God in this book than in any other tome that is specifically non-specific. I heartily recommend Phil Mason to you as a leader in the field of modern day spirituality, the new sciences and the supernatural gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Graham Cooke, Author, Speaker and Owner of Brilliant Book House

About the Author

Phil Mason has many years of experience in communicating the reality of Gods glory in creation. He and his wife, Maria, oversee New Earth Tribe, a spiritual community in Byron Bay, Australia. Phil is not a mere theorist; he is a seasoned healing revivalist who has trained many people in supernatural ministry. The Tribe is currently in the grip of an ecstatic outpouring of the Spirit with a steady flow of supernatural healings.