This book clearly unravels dissociative identity disorder: what it is, how it developed, how to recognize it, and most importantly how to minister healing and wholeness to those who suffer from it. Barbara LaBrie writes from her experiences bringing those with DID into an encounter with Jesus, who truly is our healer She provides simple steps to facilitate the process of healing emotions, supplanting lies with truth exorcising demons, and integrating separated personalities into the whole person.
Table of Contents:
Foreword by Sylvie Sudduth
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1: Healed, Equipped and Sent
Chapter 2: Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
Chapter 3: Preludes to Healing DID
Chapter 4: Steps to Heal, Deliver, and Integrate
Chapter 5: Life After Integration
Chapter 6: Overview of Inner Healing
Chapter 7: Ministering Inner Healing
Chapter 8: Preludes to Deliverance for Dissociators
Chapter 9: Ministering Deliverance to Alters
Chapter 10: Toward a Biblical Understanding of Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress (By Mike Hutchings)
Appendix A: Opening Prayer for Healing Soul Wounds
Appendix B: Our Identification with Christ
Appendix C: Inner Healing from Trauma
Appendix D: Breaking Soul Ties
About the Author:
Barbara LaBrie serves as an elder, teacher, deliverance minister, and equipper at Abundant Life Community Church in Port Murray, NJ. She also is a Master Equipper certified by Global Awakening College of Ministry, recognizing her ability to teach and minister in inner healing, deliverance, and physical healing.