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Religion vs Reality
Religion vs Reality by Gordon Dalbey
Price: $14.99
Author: Gordon Dalbey
Subtitle: Facing the Home Front in Spiritual Warfare
Format: Paperback
Length: 269 Pages
Published: 2013

Stock Status:In Stock

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Go figure out what this scripture means: “I’m after mercy, not religion.” I’m here to invite outsiders, not to coddle insiders. – Matthew 9:13-14 MSG

Since Jesus, religion is obsolete. Religion is our human effort to cover the shame of our sin-nature, which separates us from God. Jesus came to bear that shame himself on the cross fling wide the gates directly to Father God’s heart, and release His Holy Spirit freely among us.

Religion fabricates relationship with God. Few people today dare to face and walk in this reality. Proudly, we discount spiritual power and trust instead in our own. This denial sustains religion as an unholy distraction from what God is doing and thereby, marks it as a tool of God’s enemy.

The enemy of God hides in religion. Nothing unmasks the distractions of religion like warfare. When you feel righteous and secure, it’s easy to believe you’re in control. But when the powers of death and destruction are bearing down, you don’t need a stronger belief in your own righteousness. You need Jesus (1 John 3:8).

The heart of God shines in Jesus.