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Revealing Heaven Volume 2
Revealing Heaven Volume 2
Price: $14.99
Author: Kat Kerr
Subtitle: An Eyewitness Account
Format: Paperback
Length: 177 Pages
Published: 2010

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Revealing Heaven II takes you further into the mysteries of God and continues to unveil His home Heaven!

You will visit more amazing mansions, find out why God allows your pets to go there and learn about Higher Education. Kat also tells of the time when the Father caught her up to His throne and revealed His heart to His people! You can know the wonders of Heaven through her beautiful illustrations of the celestial realm.

See where the little babies play and find out what the Valley of Falls is like as she continues her journeys to Heaven. Also be prepared for the Great Awakening that is about to be poured out on this earth. Jesus said it will be the most exciting time to be alive as a believer!

Table of Contents

Authors Note

Foreword by Scribe Angels



Thank you

Chapter 1: The Ways of Heaven How They Operate

Chapter 2: The Streets of Gold and Where They Take You

Chapter 3: Higher Education: Word University, Royal University, Creation Lab

Chapter 4: Dearly Departed Living in the Celestial City

Chapter 5: Living Worship, In Heaven and on Earth

Chapter 6: The Kids in the Kingdom: Babies Play Pond

Chapter 7: Stones of Fire The Fathers Heart

Chapter 8: You Win the Bet, You Get Your Pet

Chapter 9: Fun from the Son: The Surf Park, Remember When Gallery & Animal Park

Chapter 10: Portal Visits Close Up and Personal

Chapter 11: Suicide The Truth

Chapter 12: The Place of Angels The Archangels, Headquarters of the Host, Divine Duties

Chapter 13: Sports in the Extreme, No Helmets Required

Chapter 14: Hall of the Superheroes Gods Generals and Intercessors

Chapter 15: Gods Timeline The Heaven Invasion and the Great Awakening

Chapter 16: Asking for Grace Brings Abundant Life

Chapter 17: The Fathers Love Letter A Word from the Fathers Heart a message of hope, love and unbounded grace, designed before the foundation of planet earth. He has prepared a place for you, but will you occupy it?



Kat Kerr is a real woman of God with now time revelation of Heaven. As someone who has visited Heaven, the words she writes are true and real. As a parent of a child that has transitioned ahead of me to Heaven, Kats first and now this book has brought comfort and confirmation of things I have seen myself. Kats revelation of places like the Stones of Fire within the Father, set my soul aflame and yearning for more! Revealing Heaven II is a must read to those who desire to drink deep of the Father.

Ki Michael, Intercessor, Jacksonville, FL

About the Author

Kat Kerr, President of One Quest Intl, and author of Revealing Heaven series, has known the Lord for over 50 years. She walks on a foundation of holiness that started in the 1800s with her Great grandparents. Kat pours out her life for others while walking with eyes blinded by Gods love! Hopelessly young at heart, she brings a message of hope and power while sharing (at the Lords request) what she was shown when caught up by the Spirit of God and taken on tours of Heaven. Operating in a seer anointing for over 25 years, Kat exposes the enemys plans and shares how to create a habitation for Heaven in your home! Ministering nationally and internationally she brings the rhema breath of God which empowers believers to become the manifested Sons of God!