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Sacrifice the Leader
Sacrifice the Leader by Paul Cox
Price: $12.99
Sale Price: $11.04
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Author: Paul Cox
Subtitle: How to Cope When Others Shift Their Burdens On You
Format: Paperback
Length: 167 Pages
Published: 2008

Stock Status:In Stock



Ever had someone open up to you about his or her burden and pain, and suddenly you find yourself distanced, ridiculed, or even blamed for issues for which you are not responsible? Most people who desire to help and serve others face this situation at some point in their ministry.

But what can you do? How can you avoid becoming the scapegoat for someone elses baggage? As a leader, you are called to serve others. Despite your experience or professional training, you may find yourself taking on undeserved blame and enduring conflict. Sacrifice the Leader offers you candid insight and direction. This book allows you to gain biblically based understanding into issues such as:

  • Why does a follower sometimes choose to project his sins onto a leader?
  • Which listening skills should a leader develop in order to avoid this?
  • What steps can a leader take to prevent followers from projecting their sins onto him or her?
  • Which interpersonal dynamics set a leader up to become a sin-bearer?

Arm yourself with knowledge that keeps you in unity with Jesus Christ.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: The Leaders as Sacrifice

Chapter 2: Is Sacrifice Necessary?

Chapter 3: Which Root Words Does the Bible use to Describe Sin?

Chapter 4: What Do We Do With Our Guilt?

Chapter 5: Someone Needs to Die

Chapter 6: Why Do People Act That Way?

Chapter 7: The Set Up: A Ready Sacrifice

Chapter 8: Avoid Becoming a Sacrifice

Chapter 9: Should a Leader Do Counseling?

Chapter 10: Preventing Being Set Up as a Sacrifice

Chapter 11: Goals: Confession, Repentance, and Forgiveness

Chapter 12: Avoid Seduction of Power

Chapter 13: Handling Your Stress

Chapter 14: Leading With Boundaries

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About the Author

Paul Cox is a graduate of Pepperdine University and holds a graduate degree in theology. He has pastored churches for over 20 years and served as president of the Ministers Council for the American Baptist Churches of the Pacific Southwest including serving on the board for the American Baptists Churches USA. Paul and his wife, Donna, are co-directors of Aslans Place, a ministry center in Hesperia, California, dedicated to bringing freedom and wholeness to the wounded and captive. They have three children and seven grandchildren.