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Selwyn Stevens
Selwyn Stevens founded Jubilee Resource in 1992 as a ministry to help prepare the Bride of Christ for his soon return. Jubilee and Selwyn are known for their printed books and classes on cults and cultural traps that war against the church. Selwyn is most known for his book, Unmasking Freemasonry which has pulled back the veil on this insidious secret society. Selwyn is a founding member of the International Society of Deliverance Ministers (ISDM) and teaching globally on the subject of cults, demonic oppression, and the ministry of deliverance. He resides in New Zealand with his wife, Anne.
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Bride Made Herself Ready DVD by Selwyn Stevens Fatal Faith by Selwyn Stevens Insights into Martial Arts, TM, Tai Chi and Yoga by Selwyn Stevens Raising a Blessed Generation by Selwyn Stevens
Fatal Faith
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To Whom Shall We Go? by Selwyn Stevens Unmasking Freemasonry by Selwyn Stevens Winning the Spiritual Battle in the Courts of Heaven by Selwyn Stevens