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Seven Mountain Prophecy
Seven Mountain Prophecy by Johnny Enlow
Price: $14.99
Sale Price: $12.74
Savings: $2.25
Author: Johnny Enlow
Subtitle: Unveiling the Coming Elijah Revolution
Format: Paperback
Length: 197 Pages
Published: 2008

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)

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You are called to impact your culture! The coming Elijah Revolution will affect the entire world and will prepare the way of the Lord before His return. According to Scripture, Jesus will sit at Gods right hand until all of His enemies are put under His feet. The Elijah Revolution will accomplish this as Gods end-time emissaries confront seven nations greater and mightier than we the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. These nations correspond to seven mountains of global society Media, Government, Education, Economy, Religion, Celebration/Arts, and Family.

With divine power and favor, revolutionaries will take these mountains for Christ! If you want to do your part, come now and be trained and equipped.

Table of Contents



Chapter 1: Tsunami!

Chapter 2: An Elijah Revolution

Chapter 3: Thrust Into the Promised Land

Chapter 4: Seven Nations Greater and Mightier

Chapter 5: Hittites and the Mountain of Media

Chapter 6: Girgashites and the Mountain of Government

Chapter 7: Amorites and the Mountain of Education

Chapter 8: Canaanites and the Mountain of Economy

Chapter 9: Perizzites and the Mountain of Religion

Chapter 10: Hivites and the Mountain of Celebration

Chapter 11: Jebusites and the Mountain of Family

Chapter 12: The Head and Not the Tail


Appendix: The Seven Mountains Quick Reference Chart

Quick Reference Overview


Thank God for Johnny Enlows new prophetic book. Enlow powerfully depicts how the Lords Prayer will be manifested and how His kingdom will come on Earth, as it is in heaven! The message of this book that Christians are called to more than just sub-culture, that calling and vocation are not limited to narrow religious confinement is vital to the potency of the church. I highly recommend this world-changing book and encourage every reader to grab hold of this vision.

Bob Weiner, Weiner Ministries International

The strongest word that the Spirit is currently speaking to the churches relates to Gods desire for His people to take dominion over every area of our society. The best template for designing the strategies to accomplish this is known as the seven mountains or the seven molders of culture. No one to date has better revealed to the body of Christ the natural and the spiritual challenges for fulfilling Gods plan in each of the mountains than Johnny Enlow. I believe that every kingdom-minded leader, whether in the church or in the workplace, needs to make this amazing book required reading!

C. Peter Wagner, Presiding Apostle, International Coalition of Apostles

Anyone interested in breaking through barriers to cultural transformation will want to read this book. Like a modern-day Lewis and Clark, Pastor Johnny Enlow has done an enormous service to us all in surveying the ground before us.

Lance Wallnau, Lance Learning Group

About the Author

Johnny Enlow and his wife, Elizabeth, pastor Daystar International Christian Fellowship in Atlanta, Georgia. Their primary passion is to see the church in the USA, as well as internationally, learn to prioritize intimacy with the Lord and His presence over mans agenda and programs. They have four beautiful daughters Promise, Justice, Grace, and Glory.