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Shame Identity Thief
Shame Identity Thief by Henry Malone
Price: $13.00
Author: Henry Malone
Format: Paperback
Length: 121 Pages
Published: 2015

Stock Status:In Stock


Shame told me that there was something fundamentally wrong with me and that everyone knew about it. I willingly accepted that I did wrong because somehow, I was wrong. I did not make a mistake; I was a mistake. Life then became a task to do rather than a journey to enjoy. I had bought into the lie. As you read Shame: Identity Thief, you will find the principles that will give you the keys to unlock and break free from shame. You will then be able to enjoy living in the light – living without a mask.

Table of Contents:
Foreword by John Sandford
Division 1: The Burden of Shame
Chapter 1: The Concept of Shame
Chapter 2: Emotional Indicators of Shame
Chapter 3: The Bondage of Shame
Chapter 4: The Suffering of Shame

Division 2: The Variables of Shame
Chapter 5: Stolen Identity
Chapter 6: Pushing Shame Buttons
Chapter 7: Hidden Fences of Shame
Chapter 8: Characteristics of Shame
Chapter 9: Maintaining Shame

Division 3: The Sources of Shame
Chapter 10: Family-Based Shame
Chapter 11: Society-Based Shame
Chapter 12: Church-Based Shame
Chapter 13: Culture-Based Shame
Chapter 14: Corporate-Based Shame
Chapter 15: National-Based Shame

Division 4: The Answer to Shame
Chapter 16: Shame and Grace
Chapter 17: Other Facets of Shame
Chapter 18: Wrong Views of God
Chapter 19: Identifying the Lies I Have Believed
Chapter 20: Shame-Free: Finding My True Identity


The most important understanding that we can have in the time that we are presently living is who we are. Your identity is you expressing who you were made to be. Just as many individuals have experienced identity theft in the natural we must remember that the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. Satan has a strategy to remove the identity and expression of who we are in Christ. Henry Malone’s book is excellent. The enemy does not play fair with our traumas or failures. He has a strategy to create a failure mentality within us. This book helps you remove a “sticky” covering of shame linked with your past. This is also a wonderful book to assist you in finding out who you were meant to be.
Chuck D. Pierce, President, Glory of Zion International Ministries, Denton, Texas

Far too many believers have been tormented by feelings of failure and unworthiness, when Jesus died to give them abundant life. But finally, a book has been written exposing the hidden emotion of shame, which is the root of those feelings. The truths contained in this book will change your life. I believe this book should be mandatory reading for all believers because it will same them years of needless pain.
Ken Hansen, Lead Pastor, Living Water Community Church, Bolingbrook, IL

About the Author:
Henry Malone is president and founder of Vision Life Ministries, a restoration and equipping ministry focused on fulfilling the mandate of Luke 4:18. Previously a senior pastor for 28 years, he now leads Freedom and Fullness Seminars and equips others in the ministry of deliverance and inner healing through the VLM Personal Development Institute. The author of best-selling Shadow Boxing and Portals to Cleansing, Henry and his wife Tina live in the Dallas, Texas area.