Here’s the truth: The devil can’t bet you on even ground. So he creeps his way into your mind, weaving words and situations into lies you take as truth: I’m a failure. Something’s wrong with me. God’s mad at me. Nobody cares about me.
These devil-crafted lies create the emotional, psychological and spiritual conflicts that rob you of your God-given purpose. Yet you can win these battles. Here are the biblical tools you need to recognize the sour, subtle voice of the Accuser. Once you do, you will see his toxic thought patterns and destructive lies for the slander they are. And you will say with unshakable confidence and courage: “Shut up, devil!”
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: The Slanderer
Chapter 2: The Secret Strategy against Your Mind
Chapter 3: Mastering Your Mind
Chapter 4: The Mind-Mouth Connection
Confronting the Lies
Chapter 5: Lie – You are still a horrible sinner
Chapter 6: Lie – God is punishing you
Chapter 7: Lie – You are unlovable
Chapter 8: Lie – You cannot be forgiven
Chapter 9: Lie – You should be afraid
Chapter 10: Lie – You do not belong
Chapter 11: Lie – You need to be like somebody else
Chapter 12: Lie – You have no purpose
Chapter 13: Lie – You are a failure
Chapter 14: Lie – You are disqualified
About the Author:
Kyle Winkler is the creator of the highly acclaimed, top-ranking mobile app Shut Up, Devil! with an M.Div. in biblical studies from Regent University. He is a sought-after speaker and frequent guest on Christian media.