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Simplicity of Healing
Simplicity of Healing by Sandra Kennedy
Price: $14.99
Sale Price: $12.74
Savings: $2.25
Author: Sandra Kennedy
Subtitle: A Practical Guide to Releasing the Miracle Power of God's ord
Format: Paperback
Length: 158 Pages
Published: 2017

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Receiving your healing is not complicated. It’s as simple as believing and speaking God’s Word.

In Dr. Sandra Kennedy’s groundbreaking book, you will receive teaching on how to activate God’s Word and experience His healing power!

Also, you’ll be encouraged by Dr. Kennedy’s personal healing testimony and receive a list of Scriptures that you can pray and confess to receive your healing breakthrough.

Learn how God’s Word is your secret to:
  • Building an unshakeable faith in God’s power
  • Releasing your faith through confession and declaration
  • Activating the power of agreement

God’s Word holds the key to your healing and wholeness. Learn how to release its miracle power over every area of your life!

Table of Contents:
Foreword by Sid Roth
Chapter 1: I Needed a Miracle
Chapter 2: I Got My Miracle!
Chapter 3: Healing: He’s Made It Simple
Chapter 4: An Unshakeable Faith
Chapter 5: Believing God Is the Key to Life
Chapter 6: I Have Believed, Therefore I Speak
Chapter 7: The Power of Agreement
Chapter 8: Rise Above!
Chapter 9: Keep Your Eyes on Jesus
Chapter 10: Be Courageous!
Chapter 11: Keep On Keeping On!
Chapter 12: Matters of the Heart
Summary of Healing Principles
Healing Scriptures
Are You Born Again?

About the Author:
Dr. Sandra Kennedy, at nine years of age, was told by the Lord, “One day I will use you in the healing ministry,” and He has! She is Founder and Senior Pstor of While Life Ministries in Augusta, Georgia. She has been teaching the principles of healing for over thirty years and is passionate about helping people learn to walk in health and wholeness. She knows her subject matter well because she has studied the Word of God on healing for many years, has personally been healed numerous times, and has helped countless numbers of people receive their healing. She founded The Healing Center where so many have learned the secret of receiving healing and walking in health.