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Spiritual Cleansing
Spiritual Cleansing by Jeannette Connell
Price: $15.99
Author: Jeannette Connell
Subtitle: Getting to the Root
Format: Paperback
Length: 203 Pages
Published: 2012

Stock Status:In Stock

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Have you ever grown weary of going around the same mountain over and over again? Have you ever wondered why you continuously deal with the same issues generation after generation, with no victory in sight? Then you are probably dealing with something that is hidden much deeper within. It may have been planted generations before, unknown to you. This may have produced evil fruit and kept you and your family in bondage, robbing you of the blessings and ultimate destiny.

In the book Spiritual Cleansing, you will understand the importance of getting to the root causes of the issue, thereby eliminating the evil fruit that is continuously reproduced in your life. It is time for the body of Christ to walk in freedom in every area of our lives. Sometimes as believers, we get stuck in a particular area of our lives in our walk with the Lord. We often wonder why we can never gain the victory. The enemy tries to convince us that we can’t get past it and we continue to reap a harvest of pain and defeat.

It is time we stop settling for less then wholeness. Jesus defeated everything in His death, burial, and resurrection. Obtain your Spiritual Cleansing and learn how to gain freedom in every area of your life and to share that freedom with others who need to break the chains of bondage in their own lives.

Table of Contents:
Introduction: Healing through Deliverance
Chapter 1: What is Spiritual Cleansing
Chapter 2: The Three-Part Man
Chapter 3: Soul-ties and Loss of Soul
Chapter 4: Doorways or Entry Points
Chapter 5: Repent and Be Converted
Chapter 6: Broken Down Cities Without Walls
Chapter 7: Thrones of Iniquity
Chapter 8: Possible Demon Manifestations
Chapter 9: Deliverance Counseling Outline
Chapter 10: Prayers of Deliverance
Chapter 11: Developing a Team
Chapter 12: Lifestyle of Deliverance
Chapter 13: Battles of Victory

About the Author:
Jeanette Connell is a wife and mother of six children. She and her husband George have been married 24 years and are founders of Ardent Worship Ministries, in Bowling Green, MO. They have served the people of God for the past twenty years in ministries, assisting many in the building of the Kingdom of God.