You were destined to live a supernatural life! Too many people are stuck in the rut of the average, ordinary, and mundane. Why? They think what their natural eyes see is all there is to this life. There is more!
What the eyes can see reflects only a portion of who you really are. Your body houses your spirit, and that spirit is the part of you that supernaturally interacts with God.
Adam F. Thompson shares both his incredible personal encounters and Biblical insight showing you how to live from this supernatural place – specifically by communicating with God through dreams and visions.
In these pages, you will learn how to:
- Position yourself to receive visions and dreams from heaven
- Build your faith by using your imagination
- Boldly decree God’s promises over people’s lives
Now is the time for your dreams and visions to come alive, and advance God’s kingdom on the earth.
Table of Contents:
Foreword Chapter 1: My Story Chapter 2: Supernatural Wisdom Chapter 3: Living for God Chapter 4: Visions and Dreams Chapter 5: Identity in Christ Chapter 6: The Heavenlies Chapter 7: The Sanctified Imagination Chapter 8: Walking in the Supernatural Chapter 9: Declare Victory by Faith Chapter 10: Citizens of Heaven Testimonies
Having ministered closely with Adam for a number of years, I have personally seen him repeatedly bring the reality of heaven into a meeting and change atmospheres. Even though he has become a very close friend, I sit up and listen when he delivers God’s payload from the Throne room. The words of knowledge he receives while waiting on God, and the visions he shares while ministering to people are nothing other than God-given. In this book, he not only tells how it all started, but also opens his heart and shares what he personally does prior to ministry to prepare himself that he may bring Heaven to Earth. If you aspire to do the greater works of Jesus-lead people to Christ, see people healed and delivered through outbreaks of the supernatural – then this book is a must read! Adrian Beale, Itinerant prophetic teacher, Author
The dimension of visions, dreams, trances, and supernatural visitations can become commonplace in your spiritual walk with the Lord. Journey with Adam F. Thompson in this book as he takes you on a marvelous journey into discovering the immeasurable world of the supernatural kingdom of God. His personal testimonies will encourage your faith and even possibly stir your spirit to receive the same type of miraculous vision in your life. In this book, Adam F. Thompson highlights the basic requirements and outlines revelatory principles that will teach you how God can use your imagination to release heaven on earth! You can hear God and you can know His direction for your life; you can decree His prophetic Word into existence; you can live in these unconstrained realms of blessing while unearthing the supernatural man! This book is powerful, a superb spiritual activator. I believe you will receive an impartation as you read! Joshua S. Mills, Conference speaker and author
About the Author:
Adam Thompson is co-author of The Divinity Code to Understanding Your Dreams and Visions. He has a remarkable grace to interpret dreams, move in words of knowledge and demonstrate the prophetic. Supernatural signs and manifestations regularly accompany his ministry as he desires to see Jesus magnified through the moving of the Holy Spirit. He has ministered extensively in USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, Pakistan, India, Africa, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia and the Philippines in crusades, feeding programs and pastors’ conferences. Adam has also been instrumental in planting Field of Dreams Church in South Australia.