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Talking with God
Talking with God by Dick Eastman
Price: $14.99
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Author: Dick Eastman
Subtitle: A Practical Plan for Personal Prayer
Format: Hardcover
Length: 157 Pages
Published: 2021

Stock Status:In Stock

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Never underestimate the power of prayer. Prayer connects us to God and His heart for our needs and the needs of others nearby and around the world. Where there is an absence of prayer, there is an absence of God’s power. Where there is frequency of prayer, there is a continuing display of His power.

Using proven instruction on prayer, related Scripture, inspirational prayer prompts and practical recommendations to put your faith into action, Talking with God invites you to saturate your family, neighborhood and nation with targeted intercession.

Empower and transform your prayer life through 12 prayer focuses that will help you to revere God’s nature, wait in silent surrender, pray Scripture, intercede for others, give thanks, receive spiritual guidance, magnify your loving Creator and more. Nothing is beyond your reach when you talk with God through prayer.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Praise: The Act of Divine Adoration
Chapter 2: Waiting: The Act of Soul Surrender
Chapter 3: Confession: The Act of Declared Admission
Chapter 4: Scripture Praying: The Act of Faith Appropriation
Chapter 5: Watching: The Act of Mental Awareness
Chapter 6: Intercession: The act of Earnest Appeal
Chapter 7: Petition: The Act of Personal Supplication
Chapter 8: Thanksgiving: The Act of Expressed Appreciation
Chapter 9: Singing: The Act of Melodic Worship
Chapter 10: Meditation: The Act of Spiritual Evaluation
Chapter 11: Listening: The Act of Mental Absorption
Chapter 12: Praise: The Act of Divine Magnification
Scriptural Intercession and Practical Involvement: Your Invitation to Be a Watchman Warrior