This book is the definitive work on prayer evangelism. Learn how to break through the barriers of unbelief and reach the people in your neighborhoods, cities, and nations for Christ through the power of prayer.
Table of Contents
Foreword by C. Peter Wagner
Section I: The Principles
Chapter 1. Can We Reach a City for Christ?
Cities are central to Gods redemptive strategy. The Great Commission begins with a city Jerusalem and culminates when another city the new Jerusalem becomes Gods eternal dwelling with His people. In order to fulfill the Great Commission, we must reach every city on earth with the gospel.
Chapter 2. Prayer Evangelism.
Prayer is the most tangible trace of eternity in the human heart. Intercessory prayer on behalf of the felt needs of the lost is the best way to open their eyes to the light of the gospel.
Chapter 3. The Battleground is the Heavenly Places.
In order to take the gospel to every creature, the Church is called to engage the forces of evil. The battleground is the heavenly places. This is where the battle for our cities is won or lost.
Chapter 4. Strongholds: What They Are and How to Pull Them Down.
Spiritual strongholds are Satans secret weapon. It is through the surreptitious use of strongholds that Satan controls the behavior of the Church. They must be identified and destroyed in order to regain control of the heavenlies.
Chapter 5. Praying with Authority.
The believer is a deputy of the Court of Calvary assigned to enforce the judgment awarded to Jesus: the salvation of the lost. The believer is to use this delegated authority mainly in prayer.
Section II: The Strategy
Chapter 6. Establishing Gods Perimeter.
By identifying and organizing the faithful remnant, a beachhead or perimeter of godliness is established on the edge of the vast spiritual darkness that engulfs the city. This perimeter provides a tangible setting in which the kingdom of God comes.
Chapter 7. Securing the Perimeter.
Establishing Gods perimeter in the midst of Satans domain is a very sensitive operation. It is not enough to simply set up a perimeter; it must also be secured.
Chapter 8. Expanding Gods Perimeter.
God uses the faithful remnant to establish a model. With that model in place, now others whose hearts God has been preparing must gradually be brought inside the perimeter to build up the expeditionary force that eventually will launch the attack on the forces holding the city in spiritual darkness.
Chapter 9. Infiltrating Satans Perimeter.
Satans perimeter is best infiltrated by parachuting behind his lines and establishing thousands of prayer cells (lighthouses) to cover the entire city, block by block.
Chapter 10. Destroying Satans Perimeter.
Now that the Church is in force inside Satans territory, it must sound the trumpet to signal the beginning of an all-out attack on the enemy for the purpose of bringing down the walls that keep the unsaved captive.
Chapter 11. Establishing Gods Perimeter Where Satans Used to Be.
Unless spiritual warfare results in solid, tangible conversions, and those conversions are incorporated into churches, nothing of consequence has happened. We have limited ourselves to a spiritual parade.
Chapter 12. How Far Can You See?
The Great Commission began with a city: Jerusalem the city where the disciples resided. Gods strategy to take your city for Christ begins with you and other members of the faithful remnant as you all move forward in unified prayer.
Appendix 1: Six Steps for Reaching a City for Christ
Appendix 2: Preparing an Atmosphere for Effective Evangelism
Appendix 3: Its Gods Time for YOU! Prototype