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True Stories of the Miracles of Azusa Street and Beyond
True Stories of the Miracles of Azusa Street and Beyond by Tommy Welchel
Price: $16.99
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Savings: $2.55
Author: Tommy Welchel and Michelle Griffith
Subtitle: Relive one of the Greatest Outpourings in History...
Format: Paperback
Length: 176 Pages
Published: 2013

Stock Status:In Stock

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Author of the best-selling book They Told Me Their Stories, Tommy Welchel answered this question, living among the youth of one of the greatest spiritual outpourings ever experienced – the Azusa Street Revival. During this time, Tommy recorded first-hand accounts of the miracles that they all witnessed, and even performed themselves!

These testimonies have been shared around the world, and the results continue to be amazing: Miraculous healings, supernatural phenomena, and impossible situations being turned around by a wonder-working God.

As you read about the miracles that God performed during this great move of His spirit, your faith will be stirred to:

  • Encourage others that God still heals today
  • Believe for the miraculous in your life
  • Release supernatural breakthrough to people who need a touch from God
Prepare to experience a fresh outpouring of God’s Spirit . . . NOW!

Table of Contents:

Foreword by Lou Engle
Preface by Michelle P. Griffith
Chapter 1: Code 4
Chapter 2: The Genesis of Azusa Street
Chapter 3: A Joyful Noise
Chapter 4: As Zealous as Zacchaeus
Chapter 5: Like Mother, Like Son
Chapter 6: What’s in a Name?
Chapter 7: Go into All the World
Chapter 8: Blinded by the Light
Chapter 9: God of the Little Things
Chapter 10: Good and Faithful Servant
Chapter 11: A Sweet, Sweet Song
Chapter 12: Color Blind
Chapter 13: Legs to Stand On
Chapter 14: What God Has Joined Together
Chapter 15: Let the Children Come to Me
Chapter 16: The Story that is True from under the Pew
Chapter 17: After Azusa: Miracles at Pisgah
Chapter 18: Modern-Day Manna: Miracles of Today
Afterword by Michelle P. Griffith: Azusa Street – An Inspiration, Not a Destination


Nothing, and I do mean nothing, excites me more than the testimonies of an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. True Stories of Azusa Street is a perfect example. They cause my heart to burn for the “more” found on the pages of Scripture and recorded in history.
Tommy had the great privilege of sitting at the feet and hearing the stories of those who experienced the outpouring firsthand. This record of miracles from God’s goodness is absolutely stunning.
Prepare to be encouraged and challenged in your faith as you read the record of an awakening that is still being felt today. More importantly, prepare to hunger for more in your lifetime.
Bill Johnson, Pastor, Bethel Church, Redding, CA

I have always loved revival history, and have been blessed by reading these stories. It is a desire of mine to always see more, and the stories in this book have inspired me to ask for more. They are a chapter of our spiritual heritage in the world today. The stories of healing that we see here are foreshadows of what God is doing in the world today, and the movements that have started, have come from people being made hungry. The hunger is inspired by stories of what God has done, which inspires the question, why not here? Why not now? The new stories are no exception.
I encourage you, as you read this book to ask God to take your hunger and increase it. To increase your desire to see Him move on the earth today in power.
Randy Clark, Global Awakening

About the Authors:

Tommy Welchel, known as the “last living link” to Azusa Street, began in a poverty-stricken family, with an illiterate mother and abusive father. After dropping out of school and pursuing a life of crime, he was supernaturally transformed after surrendering his life to Christ at age 17. His career included security work and becoming a licensed private investigator. Tommy is retired and lives with his wife, Marlene, in Arizona.

Michelle P. Griffith co-owns a production company called Iron Image with Marc, her husband of many years, in which she has functioned as a producer, writer, and video editor. Her writing career has also included freelance journalism, and currently she is working on her first feature script. Michelle’s greatest projects, however, and her three children, Connor, Victoria, and Camryn. The Griffith family lives near the sunny, Southern California coast in Ventura County.

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