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Unlocking the Mysteries of the Holy Spirit
Unlocking the Mysteries of the Holy Spirit by Larry Ollison
Price: $21.99
Sale Price: $18.69
Savings: $3.30
Author: Larry Ollison
Format: Paperback
Length: 281 Pages
Published: 2022

Stock Status:In Stock

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The Holy Spirit may seem like a mystery to many Christians and an abstract religious idea to others. But if you’re born again, He’s the very Spirit of God living inside of you and supernaturally connecting you to heaven!

Dr. Larry Ollison, a popular speaker nationally and internationally for more than 50 years, explains this third person of the Trinity is not spooky, weird, or an actual ghost. He’s not even a something – but a Someone you can know personally and intimately.

In Unlocking the Mysteries of the Holy Spirit, Dr. Larry shares simply and scripturally that the Holy Spirit is your life-long guide to victory. He never leaves you alone, He equips you with wisdom, grace, and power to face any circumstance, and He knows more about your future than you know about your past.

Dr. Larry outlines:
  • The personality of the Holy Spirit – His likes and dislikes
  • His assignment on the earth today
  • How the gifts of the Spirit operate and how we cooperate

You will become more spiritually in tune page by page as you get better acquainted with the power of the Holy Spirit that Jesus said you need for life!

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: The Revelation of the Holy Spirit
Chapter 2: The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
Chapter 3: Jesus and the Holy Spirit
Chapter 4: The Beginning of the Church
Chapter 5: The Holy Spirit and the Church
Chapter 6: The Second Experience
Chapter 7: The Nine Gifts of the Spirit
Chapter 8: The Gift of the Word of Wisdom
Chapter 9: The Gift of the Word of Knowledge
Chapter 10: The Gift of Faith
Chapter 11: The Gifts of Healings
Chapter 12: The Gift of the Working of Miracles
Chapter 13: The Gift of Prophecy
Chapter 14: The Gift of Discerning of Spirits
Chapter 15: The Gift of Different Kinds of Tongues
Chapter 16: The Gift of Interpretation of Tongues
Chapter 17: The Fruit of the Spirit
Chapter 18: Quenching the Spirit
Chapter 19: God Is Spirit
Chapter 20: Understanding the Mysteries of God
Chapter 21: The Answer to Every Question

About the Author:
Dr. Larry Ollison is founder and senior pastor of Walk on the Water Faith Church in Osage Beach, Missouri, founder of Larry Ollison Ministries, and co-founder and vice president of Spirit FM Radio Network. With over fifty years in the ministry, he is a popular speaker nationally and internationally and ministers the word of faith through radio, television, internet, and daily email devotionals. Dr. Ollison is the author of eight books.