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Walking in the Spirit
Walking in the Spirit by Fuchsia Pickett
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Author: Fuchsia Pickett
Subtitle: The Power of the Holy Spirit Can Be Yours
Format: Paperback
Length: 211 Pages
Published: 2015

Stock Status:In Stock

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A closer relationship with the Holy Spirit is within your reach. There is no substitution. Only the Holy Spirit can give you the realization that things need to change in your life, and provide the power to make those changes happen. Walking in the Spirit outlines the work of the Holy Spirit in the believer and eradicated common misunderstandings about Hi, showing clearly how the Scriptures reveal the Holy Spirit as a divine person who has come to the earth to fulfill the eternal plan of God.

Come into a proper relationship with the Holy Spirit and learn to walk with Him through topics such as:
  • The divine mission
  • The gift of prophecy
  • The divine enablement to know and to do
  • The divine character defined
  • The divine enduement with power
  • The fruit of the Spirit, and much more!

Table of Contents:
Foreword by Judson Cornwall
Chapter 1: When He is Come – Divine Mission
Chapter 2: The Baptism of the Holy Spirit – Divine Enduement with Power
Chapter 3: Gifts of the Holy Spirit – Part 1: Divine Enablement to Know
Chapter 4: Gifts of the Holy Spirit – Part 2: Divine Enablement to Do
Chapter 5: Gifts of the Holy Spirit – Part 3: Divine Voice-Prophecy
Chapter 6: The Fruit of the Spirit – Part 1: Divine Character Defined
Chapter 7: The Fruit of the Spirit – Part 2: Divine Love, Joy, Peace Long-Suffering, and Gentleness
Chapter 8: The Fruit of the Spirit – Part 3: Divine Goodness, Faith, Meekness and Temperance
Chapter 9: Walking in the Spirit – Part 1: Divine Purpose Fulfilled
Chapter 10: Walking in the Spirit – Part 2: Divine Requirements and Blessings
Appendix A: The Deity of the Holy Spirit as Affirmed by the Scriptures
Appendix B: Scriptural Purposes for the Gifts of Healing

About the Author:
A respected Bible teacher, the late Dr. Fuchsia Pickett was the author of the best-selling book The Next Move of God. After being miraculously healed of a genetic, life-threatening disease in 1959, she was baptized in the Holy Spirit and began to minister the Word of God worldwide. One of her many accomplishments include regular contributions to Charisma and SpiritLed Woman magazines. Pickett earned a doctorate in the field of theology as well as a doctorate of divinity.