What if you knew how to live unafraid and unoffended in the face of disappointment and loss? Discover a biblical framework for understanding life’s most challenging seasons and keys for living in hope in the middle of the valley of the shadow of death.
We all face seasons of disappointment and loss in life. At such times, we often wonder:
- How do I find my way through?
- Was this God’s will?
- Why did this happen?
These experiences and the questions they raise can easily send us spiraling into despair and disillusionment—but they don’t have to. In The Way Back to Hope, Amy Calkins shares from her own journey of coming face-to-face with crippling disappointment and loss and how she found her way through. She does not offer good Christian answers or five-step solutions, but she does validate your pain, question some unhelpful (and unbiblical) theology, and point the way forward. The Way Back to Hope is an invitation to the journey from disappointment to fearless hope—a hope that stills the storm.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Disappointment at the Door
Chapter 2: The Problem of Pain
Chapter 3: The Problem of God’s Will
Chapter 4: The Problem of Why
Chapter 5: Strength in the Midst of Pain
Chapter 6: Courage in the Midst of Tragedy
Chapter 7: Hope in the Midst of Mystery
About the Author
About the Author:
Amy Calkins is a freelance writer and editor, a published poet, a former pastor, and a homeschool mom. She lives in Lancaster Country, Pennsylvania, with her husband and four kids.