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Word of Knowledge In Action
Word of Knowledge In Action by Art Thomas
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Author: Art Thomas
Subtitle: A Practical Guide for the Supernatural Church
Format: Paperback
Length: 190 Pages
Published: 2011

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The Word of Knowledge in Action is the first book completely dedicated to a comprehensive, biblically sound analysis of this spiritual gift. More than that, through testimonies and biblical examples, there is page after page of rich, practical advice for implementing this gift in the context of supernatural Christianity.

The Word of Knowledge in Action helps you:

  • Discover how the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus Christ through you.
  • Integrate the spiritual gift of a Word of Knowledge with multiple other spiritual gifts and ministries.
  • Steer clear of some of the most sinister pitfalls that the enemy uses against people who exercise this spiritual gift.
  • Realize the simplicity of exercising this spiritual gift through tested advice and practical application.
  • Experience the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit as you put the principles of this book into action.

Through personal experience, practical counsel, and biblical revelation, author Art Thomas brings this special spiritual gift to life in a whole new way by citing tested and proven strategies for integrating the Word of Knowledge into your everyday Kingdom life. With clarity, wisdom, and simplicity, the Scriptures are presented in fresh, vibrant ways bringing revival to all who will receive.

Table of Contents

Foreword by John Loren Sandford



Chapter 1: Clearly Defining the Word of Knowledge

Chapter 2: The Word of Knowledge and Prophecy

Chapter 3: The Word of Knowledge and Visions and Dreams

Chapter 4: The Word of Knowledge and Physical Healing

Chapter 5: The Word of Knowledge and Intercession

Chapter 6: The Word of Knowledge and Evangelism

Chapter 7: The Word of Knowledge At Work in Ministry

Chapter 8: Pitfalls to Avoid

Chapter 9: Activating and Cultivating the Word of Knowledge



The Word of Knowledge in Action is a great book. Would that all pastors and their flocks would study it and live its message. Art Thomas is right when he says that if more Christians would seek the Lord for the gift of words of knowledge, and learn to apply them appropriately, that would vivify the Church and make words of knowledge powerful everyday tools for evangelism, for healing, and for the enhancement of nearly every other gift of the Holy Spirit.

Thomas imparts much needed wisdom and caution to a Church grown leery by wild and irresponsible applications of many spiritual gifts. Most appealing is that he centers on reception, use, and results of words of knowledge in the love and courtesy of our Lord Jesus Christ. I urge readers to purchase the book and let its words concerning words of knowledge seep into every other aspect of Christian living and ministry.

John Loren Sandford, Founder, Elijah House Ministries, Inc.; Author

We live in an age when more and more Christians have not only abandoned the essentials of the faith for doctrines of demons, but a time when supposedly spiritual practices and assumptions are increasingly based on experience rather than on the solid revelation of the Word of God. The result is a subtle or not so subtle drift that results in shipwreck of the faith, foolishness in ministry, and an erosion of creditability for those of us who do not share the foolishness.

Art Thomas book is a solid, sane, and biblical exposition of the nature of the word of knowledge a gift much misunderstood and most often interpreted through the filter of experience. The reader can trust what he writes. More significantly, Art has connected with the heart of the Father. I highly recommend this book!

R. Loren Sandford, Senior Pastor of New Song Fellowship; Author

About the Author

Art Thomas and his wife, Robin, are passionate disciples of Jesus who have been speaking at retreats, planting churches, and training leaders in supernatural ministry for nearly a decade. Art currently operates and maintains SupernaturalTruth.com and the Wildfire School of Supernatural Ministry while speaking and leading worship throughout the United States.