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Writing and the Prophetic
Writing and the Prophetic by Theresa Harvard Johnson
Price: $6.99
Author: Theresa Harvard Johnson
Subtitle: Foundations of the Scribal Anointing
Format: Paperback
Length: 35 Pages
Published: 2016

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The 21st Century should be supernaturally earmarked as “the era of the prophetic writer” within the charismatic faith. Holy Spirit is causing the sons of God to be extremely sensitive to His voice and leading to publish His word in precise and demonstrative forms. This book, Writing and the Prophetic, scripturally defines prophetic writing, deciphers and myths surrounding it and provides distinctive guidelines to help followers of Christ answer this specific question, “Am I a prophetic writer?” In addition, extreme clarity is provide concerning the difference between prophetic writing and its demonic counterfeit, automatic writing.

Table of Contents:
God’s Prophetic Writers
Are You Writing or Recording?
What Does It Mean to be Prophetic?
What is a Prophetic Writer?
Five Categories of Writing
Signs of a Prophetic Writer
Automatic Writing vs. Prophetic Writing
Breaking Free of the False
Prophetic Writers in the Bible
Purpose of Prophetic Writing

About the Author:
Theresa Harvard Johnson is best known for her revelatory insight, understanding and apostolic teachings surrounding the ministry of the prophetic scribe and prophetic writing. She has published, contributed to or co-authored more than 14 books including her signature publication, “The Scribal Anointing: Scribes Instructed in the Kingdom of Heaven,” which has been taught worldwide.